I have always loved writing and feel fortunate that my blog has so many readers! If my writing resonates with you, sign up to receive my blogs (Short & Sweet) in your inbox each week.
My Favorite Website Mistake
My favorite website mistake (to fix) is often overlooked because at its essence it’s rooted in basic human nature: we as human beings are predominantly focused on ourselves. Try as […]
Your Gut is Talking to You.
Do you know that feeling you get in your stomach when you don’t quite want to do something? For me it’s a subtle discomfort that sits right below my rib […]
Say Hello to Ellanyze
In celebration of the rebrand of my business in creating Ellanyze, I present to you a list of FAQ to explain all the ins and outs of why and how […]
My Recipe for a Rebrand
“Is it me and do I love it?” This is the simple yet powerful question that led me to the eventual complete rebrand of my business that launches in just […]
Authorized Vehicles Only
I’ll confess that in the past when I’ve heard people tell stories about running out of gas, I never really got it. Run out of gas? How does that happen? […]
5 Great Conversation Starters
“Where are you from?” “Do you come here often?” …yawn… Never be afraid to ask great questions. When I’m out at an event and someone asks me a question that’s […]
Creating a Workspace You Love
Where do you do your best work? Can you work in any location with equal productivity and inspiration? For I confess, I cannot. My surroundings and environment have a huge […]
Working in Coffee Shop Smart Tips
I don’t think I’ve ever met an entrepreneur who doesn’t work in coffee shops. Coffee shops are our turf. They’re our office away from home office. They’re where we can […]
Life Lessons from a Four-Year-Old
Yesterday, on a lazy Saturday afternoon, I got to spend a few hours with my nephew Jack. I was struck, as I’m always struck when I spend time with him, […]
My First Vision Board
When a friend invited me to her “vision board making” party, I thought I had a pretty good idea of what I was in for. I did not. I’ve always thought […]
5 Self-Care Tips for Entrepreneurs During the Holidays
“Time off? What’s time off?” – Every entrepreneur who ever lived I find the single most challenging thing about being an entrepreneur is the sheer juggling act of it all. […]
The Birthday List
Remember when you were a kid and your birthday was the thing that you most looked forward to all year? It was that day of ultimate fun when you were […]
The Vast Rewards of a “You-cation”
Does it ever seem like you can never quite get to those things in life you’re most excited about? Those things you’d love to do that are indefinitely “on the […]
Take Control of Your Time
Do you ever feel like time is in control of you instead of the other way around? This is exactly how I felt most of my adult life – until […]
What is a work funnel?
Have you ever given any real thought to how you get work? If you trace backward and consider each step of the process that had to happen to get you […]
Public Speaking 101
Public speaking is a powerful way to build any business. Not only does it establish you as an expert, but it also allows you to be seen and heard by […]
5 Easy Ways to Save Money
I’ve noticed that any blog posts I write related to saving money are always a hit – so here’s another one. Here are five ways to spend a little less […]
Build Your Vocabulary: 5 Tips
Why do people long to learn new words? Some people want to sound smarter. Other people are simply lovers of the English language. I myself find it to be a […]
Working with a Designer: Get the Results You Want!
Back in 2011 when I released my first solo jazz album (here it is if you’re curious), I hadn’t yet begun designing album artwork myself – so I hired a […]
Networking for Introverts
The networking introvert. Now there’s an oxymoron if I ever heard one. If you’re an introvert like I am – or just someone who hates networking – you’ve come to […]
The Hidden Treasures of Gmail
Most people who use Gmail love it, and for good reason. It has a clean user interface, it does an amazing job keeping spam at bay, and the mobile app […]
10 Things You Didn’t Know Your Mac Could Do
If you’re a proud Mac owner, I’ve got some great news for you. You already know your computer is awesome – it can do all sorts of cool stuff like […]
How Technology May Be Ruining Your Sleep
I know you don’t want to believe it, but it’s true. While technology has improved our lives in countless ways, one of the ways in which it has become detrimental […]
The Great Payoff of Improving Your Typing Skills
So what is this big payoff? While some will argue that it’s a time-saver, my reason for encouraging people to learn to type faster is slightly different. When your fingers […]
Be More Productive!
Ever notice how the hours in a day have a way of disappearing? Some days I have a long mental list of the things I’m going to accomplish between morning […]
Spring Clean Your Website in 5 Steps
It’s that time of the year again – time for spring cleaning. Here are five ways in which you can spruce up your website, all in the name of springtime. 1) […]
How to Deal with Difficult People
Come across a grumpy dwarf of sorts recently? I did – and let me tell you, it was not fun. Difficult (or even downright mean) people sometimes cause us to […]
10 Tips For a Great Newsletter
Do you write an email newsletter? Do you want people to actually open and read it? How about even look forward to it? Then this blog post is for you. […]
5 Internet Mistakes You’re Probably Making
If you’re like me (and most people), identity theft and hacking is something that for the most part happens to “other people.” In truth, there is a possibility that at […]
How to Fill the Summer Lull
If your business is one in which summer can be a time when work is not flowing quite as abundantly as it usually is during the year, then you’ll do […]