
The People Pleaser’s Cure: Why It’s Ok Not to Be Liked

Do you consider yourself a highly likable person? Can you get along with almost anyone? Do you enjoy a life with very little confrontation or dispute? If you answered each of these questions with a resounding “yes,” you may be a People Pleaser (if you’re still not sure, check out “10 Signs You’re a People Pleaser” from Psychology Today).

If you are, don’t feel bad – after all, everyone loves you! However, it’s important to know that while being liked by everyone all the time may feel good, it won’t always serve you. If you’re focused on pleasing others most of the time, you may be missing out on:

…living as your truest and most authentic self.
…developing your own voice and standing up for yourself.
…gaining the respect of others.
…putting your energy into what you believe in.

Below are five ways in which letting go of your desire to be liked by everyone will foster personal and professional growth, and bring you deeper happiness and fulfillment in the long run.

You can say “no” when it’s best for you.

When you learn to be ok with not being liked by others, your criteria for saying yes or no to something changes significantly. Instead of weighing how your choice will impact others and their view of you, you’ll weigh what your decision means for you, your personal integrity, and your goals.

You’ll take more risks and go for what you want in life.

Free from the worry of what others will think or whether they’ll approve, you’ll be far more inclined to go after your dreams with all you’ve got. The next time you find yourself face to face with what feels like a very difficult choice, ask yourself: “If it didn’t matter AT ALL what anybody thought here, what would I want to do?”

You can stay true to your values.

Nothing feels better than sticking to your guns on what matters to you most. The more you practice staying true to you personal values even when it’s uncomfortable, the more you’ll begin to do this naturally and without thought.

You’ll recognize those who respect and honor you.

When you live authentically and without worry about being liked, some people won’t like you. That’s just the way it is. But you know what? Some people are going to love you, respect you, honor you, and be inspired by you. This means genuine and lasting relationships that matter.

You can be yourself, truly and authentically.

It’s downright exhausting trying to be somebody you’re not. Being yourself is the easiest thing in the world, if you only allow yourself to do so.

Looking for more reading on living authentically and being true to yourself? Try these other Ellanyze posts:

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Janelle Reichman, web designer in Ann Arbor Michigan

Janelle is a blogger, web designer, WordPress queen, dog mama, singer-songwriter, guitarist, Michigander, and lover of life. Read her story...

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