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how to get better at multitasking - a doodle drawing with lots of symbols and pictures

How to Get Better at Multitasking: 3 Tips

If you’re wondering how to get better at multitasking, look no further. These three tips will have you spinning plates in no time. There are....
marketing workflow without wearing yourself out man walking up the steps

Marketing Overwhelm: 3 Smart Tips to Avoid Burnout

Marketing overwhelm is real, and all too common. This entrepreneurship game is a marathon, not a sprint, so it’s imperative that we learn how to....
add inspiration to your workspace - an iMac on a fancy desk with plants and artwork all around

Home Office Ideas for Her: 5 Ways to Add Inspiration!

These home office ideas for her will help you to create a workspace that keeps you motivated and inspired.  What your workspace looks like – and....
how to have better conversations

How to Have Better Conversations

The secret of how to have better conversations is all in your mindset: enjoy these four mental shifts that may just power up your conversations. First....
5 Easy Ways to Improve Your SEO

SEO Quick Tips: 5 Easy Steps to Better Page Ranking

These SEO quick tips will help you to figure out what keywords to target and then how to build them into your website at all levels. Ok, here’s....
Facebook likes ways to increase engagement

How to Get Likes: 5 Ways to Increase Social Media Engagement

What’s on every business owner’s mind is how to get likes and comments on your social media platforms. These five tips will give you the....
google analytics tips for entrepreneurs

How to Use Google Analytics to Improve Your Website: 3 Simple Ways

The world of how to use Google Analytics can be overwhelming, to say the least, so here are three easy metrics you can look at and use to make....
tips for fighting imposter syndrome nervous woman with hand holding her head

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome: 5 Things to Try Right Now

The key of how to overcome imposter syndrome comes down to naming it, recognizing it, and taking control. Imposter Syndrome – A psychological....
Janelle sitting at her office desk, flowers and computer

The Story of Ellanyze

One morning 9 years ago, I got up, walked over to my desk, sat down, and began making a list. But it wasn’t the typical everyday to-do list I’d made a....
tips for a homepage that converts savvy homepage secrets free mini course

Savvy Homepage Secrets (Tips for a Website that Converts)

One of the most commonly asked questions in the web design world is: It was this very question that led to the creation of a 5 lesson mini-course....
body language secrets untapped superpower

Your Untapped Superpower: 5 Positive Body Language Examples

These positive body language examples are your untapped superpower – they will take your communication skills to the next level. Did you know....
huge pile of watches

How to Work More Efficiently: 3 Time Saving Tips

These three time-saving tips will show you how to work more efficiently and get more done in less time. Picture this: You’re in the middle of....
declutter your life minimalist chair and desk in a room

Ways to Declutter Your Life: 3 Techniques to Simplify It All

Go beyond just organization – these three ways to declutter your life will have you letting out a HUGE sigh of relief. You know the feeling when....
services page tips paint brushes

Services Page Design: Your Ultimate Easy-to-Implement Checklist

This checklist for how to design your services page will give you everything you need to know to create a services page that conveys and converts....
best chrome extensions make life easier

The Best Chrome Extensions in 2021

The best Chrome extensions in 2021 will save you money, time, and energy. It doesn’t get any better than that. What in the heck is a Chrome....
sleeping cat tips for better sleep

5 Things to Do Before Bed to Get More Zzzzs

These 5 things to do before bed will help you sleep better and wake up feeling more rested and ready for the day. The truth is, many of us are not....
how to get higher quality leads

Your Lead Qualification Process: 3 Steps to Higher Quality Prospects

Getting prospects who will make great clients all comes down to your lead qualification process – how you weed out the leads who aren’t....
how to network better group of people connecting diverse

How to Make Networking Fun (and Be Authentic!) – 4 Tips

Ever wonder how you can make networking fun in a way that doesn’t feel inauthentic? Here’s how to connect gracefully while being yourself....

“Someday List” – 3 Steps to Your Best Ever Someday Maybe List

Making a “Someday List” allows you to file away ideas (even crazy ones) for the future without stress or obligation. Imagine this: Your....
blog idea generation tips

Blog Topic Ideas: 5 Ways to Generate Blog Topics All Year Round

How can you more easily come up with blog topic ideas? Here are some tips to help you get those creative juices flowing! It’s Friday morning....

Why Do You Need SSL? Here’s Why

Why do you need SSL installed on your website? Read on to learn why if you don’t have it installed, you’ll want to do so as soon as....
woman holding out flower people pleaser be ok with not bing liked

The People Pleaser’s Cure: Why It’s Ok Not to Be Liked

Do you consider yourself a highly likable person? Can you get along with almost anyone? Do you enjoy a life with very little confrontation or dispute?....
dropped ice cream cone on the pavement

The 5 Biggest Website Mistakes

What are the biggest website mistakes that people make? Read on to find out. Marketing experts love to talk all day long about what you should DO on....
lego superheroes all in a row

3 Secrets to Building Business Relationships

How to build business relationships? Give these 3 secrets a try, and you may just find yourself with some superhero comrades at your side. We’ve....
lightbulb entrepreneurial operating system EOS

How EOS Transformed My Business

The Entrepreneurial Operating System illuminates even the darkest of rooms in your business. EOS benefits broken down. Fumbling around in a dark room:....
A book, cup of tea, and pears sitting on a placemat

5 Simple Self Care Tips

Add a little self-care to your routine this December: 5 tips. For some, December is the most joyous of all the months. The snowfall, the decorations....
hands together in a circle teamwork

The Many Benefits of Board Experience

If I could give a single piece of advice to new business owners, it would be this: serve on the board of an organization in your local area. Really?....
cropping a photo in the Mac Preview app

Resizing Photos Made Easy

Resizing photos or cropping them, once you know how to do it, is a skill you’ll use a lot more than you might think. Resizing and cropping your....
a bucket of paintbrushes

Get Inspired and Get Moving!

All too often when we’re feeling unmotivated and uninspired in our work, we wait for a change to miraculously come from within us. In these....
hand holding a thank you card and bouquet of flowers

The Simple Power of “Thank You”

As cheesy as it sounds, I’ve always cherished the minutes preceding my family’s yearly Thanksgiving meal during which we go around the....

Tired of wondering whether your homepage is doing all "the right" things?

Wonder no more.

Savvy Homepage Secrets: five fabulous tips for a homepage that turns visitors into customers

My FREE 5 lesson mini-course will give you clarity and direction. Begin today!

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