Oh, the entrepreneurial life – one moment we’re trying with all our might to keep our heads above water, and the next we’re sitting at our desks twirling our thumbs.
Everyone in business has had a lull at one time or another (if a person tells you otherwise, they’re most likely not being honest with you – or themselves). It’s what we do in these slower times that defines our work ethic and our determination. When business slows down, what do you do? Do you take some time off? Do you go frolicking out in the fields? Or do you take a good hard look at your untapped resources, refine your gameplan, and come up with your next steps?
The next time you’re having a slowdown, try one of the following three moves to bust out of your lull and get back to doing the work you love and care about so much.
1) Look to your previous customers
Who are the people who know you best, understand firsthand the value of what you provide, and genuinely like you? Your past customers of course! If you haven’t tapped into this incredible human resource, a business lull is the perfect time to do so. This could mean sending a handwritten notecard to each of your past clients telling them how much you appreciate their business, or sending out a promotional offer only available to repeat customers. If you have particular past clients that you’re friendly with, offer to buy them a coffee and catch up. Anything that lets them know you value them and appreciate when they keep you top of mind, will do everyone good.
2) Brainstorm new marketing tactics you haven’t yet explored, pick one, and run with it
One of the beautiful things about the world of marketing is that no matter how many ways you’ve marketed your business, there is always another way. Do you have a weekly email newsletter? Are you taking full advantage of an engaging social media strategy? Are you giving talks on your business topic in your region? How about swag – have you had any branded items custom made for giveaways or gifts? How about sponsorship and advertising? When it comes to marketing your business, the sky is the limit. Pick a new idea, and run with it! It will energize you and breathe new life into your business.
3) Get out and get inspired
There will be times when you are so flooded with work that you just wish you could just drop it all and go out into your community for a refreshing workshop, panel discussion, or exchange session (trust me). If you’re having a bit more – ahem- free time than usual, take advantage and see what’s happening in your community. Remember that a constant flow of incoming business is all about connections – maintaining the old and creating the new.
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