I have always loved writing and feel fortunate that my blog has so many readers! If my writing resonates with you, sign up to receive my blogs (Short & Sweet) in your inbox each week.
Websites I LOVE Series: Outcast Landing
This fishing and cottages website has lots of cool features. Let’s find out what they are and how you can make them your own!
Why You Can & Should Raise Your Prices
A recent conversation with a friend who felt afraid to raise their prices might yield some wisdom and insights for you!
Something’s Missing… Inspiration?
Sharing the stage with two other songwriters was a helpful reminder of something all of us need to be reminded of from time to time.
15 Signs You’re in the Right Place
If you’re in the right place in life, these statements might feel true for you.
5 Giveaways You Made Your Website Yourself
If you made your website yourself, here are the five things to avoid if you want it to look like it was made by a pro!
Magic Happens. Don’t Miss It.
When magic happens in the world, are you being present enough to witness it, or are you letting it pass you by?
The Sometimes Uncomfortable Nature of Creating
Looking into one take on songwriting shows us that the creating process isn’t always easy or even comfortable, but the end result? Pure bliss.
Web Design Trends Coming in 2025
It’s that time again! Let’s take a look at what web design trends we can expect to see more of in 2025.
(Yet Another) Reminder of the Power of Momentum
Taking a week off is a wonderful thing to do – just remember what happens afterward 😉 Hint: an object at rest wants to stay at rest.
We’re All Influencers (All the Time)
Each time you choose to do something good, to be kind, to do the right thing, to make the world a better place in a tiny or huge way – it’s not just you that you’re making that choice for.
5 Thoughtful Holiday Gift Ideas that Won’t Break the Bank
What makes a great gift is not how much it cost but how *thoughtful* it is. Here are five ways you can make your recipients feel loved and seen without spending a ton in the process.
Say Hello to the New Ellanyze Website! (Plus 5 Takeaways for Your Site)
My website was 6+ years old and I knew it was time for a change. Say hello to my new website PLUS enjoy five of my favorite parts that you can implement on your own site.
5 Songs for Thanksgiving
Here are five songs that are perfect for listening to and/or sharing with your loved ones on Thanksgiving! Think gratitude 😉
Zoom Meeting Etiquette: 5 Tips to Rock It
Picture-perfect backdrops and lighting aside, here are five tips for making your Zooms as smooth and comfortable as possible for both you and other attendee(s).
Take a “Selfish” Day
Why is the word “selfish” in quotation marks? You’re going to have to read this blog to find out.
Just Imagine!
What can you do to allow your prospects to imagine themselves in a new place – the place they’ll be after they take advantage of your services?
Equipment Doesn’t Matter – Here’s Why
What can Charlie Parker, one of the forefathers of the jazz art form, teach us about the importance (or lake thereof) of equipment? Everything.
Love Your Neighbor
Whatever you might think you know about the people you encounter in life, you actually have no idea. It’s a reason to, above all, be kind.
Why Core Values Mean Everything in Relationships
Have you ever had an experience where you were clashing big time with someone but you weren’t sure why exactly? This may solve the mystery.
Why Mistakes Are the Best (And No Not to Learn From Them)
A moment of forgetfulness during a performance led to a memorable and beautiful musical moment at The Ark this past week. Here’s what it tells us about mistakes.
6 Mac Hacks You Should Know About
If you’re a Mac user, get ready for some easy-to-learn hacks that will boost your efficiency big time. And if you’re a PC person, we’ve got links for you too.
Websites I LOVE Series: DuckaDilly Fabrics
See what’s so fab about this cute-as-can-be fabric shop website and also what you can take away and apply to YOUR website.
Why You’ll Love Having an “Alter Ego”
What have you always wished you were or wanted to be? Now’s your chance. Say hello to your alter ego.
From Frustration to Fondness in the Blink of an Eye
An experience with my neighbors showed me that everything is transient – even those pesky thoughts, feelings, and emotions!
You’re Better Than You Know, Smarter Than You Think
A surprise in daily life shows us that we’re far better than we know.
Don’t Let This Happen to You: A Spammer Story
You think it can’t or won’t happen to you – until it does. How can we put practices in place to protect ourselves in the future?
A Small Example of How We Create Our Reality
Reflecting on how vastly differently I experienced the same thing now from four years ago, it occurs to me that the world around me hasn’t changed – it’s me who has changed.
Make Them Say “YES!”
How do you allow your website visitors to have the experience of thinking to themselves as they browse your website: “YES, this is the person I need!”