All too often when we’re feeling unmotivated and uninspired in our work, we wait for a change to miraculously come from within us. In these “slumps” as some call them, it’s easy to forget that often the quickest way to spark change within is to change the outer – be it surroundings, activities, or circumstances. Below are five ways to get outside of yourself, gain perspective, and gather new inspiration to keep moving ahead in your work.
1) Pick up a mind-blowing book.
In periods of low inspiration, one of the best things we can do is pick up a new inspiring read. Here’s a List of 7 Mind-Blowing Books for Entrepreneurs from to get you started. More of a podcast person? Here’s a list of The 10 Top Podcasts for Entrepreneurs from
2) Do something that scares you.
When was the last time you made a professional move that totally freaked you out? Sometimes this can be the perfect thing to shake things up, whether it’s contacting someone you greatly admire, going for an opportunity that seems out of reach, or just putting yourself “out there” in a new way.
3) Ask yourself what you really want.
If money was not an issue and if there were no obstacles in your way, how would you most prefer to be spending each of your days? If you’re honest with yourself and really give this some thought, the answer may surprise you, and even inspire you. Call me crazy, but I believe we all can be doing at least an element of what we desire to do most – if we can only figure out what it is.
4) Get out of your regular routine.
Pick up an instrument you’ve never touched before. Enroll in karate lessons. Learn to skateboard. Try speed dating. Do something completely out of your typical nature and routine. Sometimes getting out of your day-to-day is all you need to gain some new perspective.
5) Be kind to yourself.
However you might be feeling – uninspired or depressed or down – one of the most unhelpful things you can do is beat yourself up for feeling that way on TOP of the feeling you’re already experiencing. Cut yourself some slack, and give yourself a little time to feel however you’re feeling. Then … when you’re ready – try one of the above! 🙂
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