
My Blog: Short & Sweet

I have always loved writing and feel fortunate that my blog has so many readers! If my writing resonates with you, sign up to receive my blogs (Short & Sweet) in your inbox each week.


3 Critical Post-Project Actions Almost Everyone Forgets

What we do (or don’t do) AFTER our work for a client is done has an enormous impact on how fruitful that relationship will be in the future. Below are the three key actions to take as you wrap up each and every project in your business.

Got the “End of Summer” Blues? Try This.

If you’re someone who feels a touch of melancholy as summer is coming to a close, a “Season Past & Forward Look” might be just the thing to lift your spirits.

laptop on an outdoor table with flowers, glass of water, sunny day

Procrastination Hacks: 3 Ways to Get Going

If you’re like most people, you don’t *always* procrastinate – just for the things you really don’t want to do. Here are three ways to “sweeten the deal” for yourself so you can get moving – and get done.

broken plate smashed to pieces

3 Ways to Avoid (Ugh) Broken Links

Nothing says “unprofessional” like broken links on your website, so let’s get to fixing them, shall we? Here’s how to find them, correct them, and in many cases avoid them in the first place!

cake with colorful icing

If Your Website is the Cake, These 3 Things Are the Icing on Top

If you’re going to bother hiring someone to make a nice website for you, you’d be smart to invest in these three “accompaniments” as well – they’ll truly be the icing on the cake 😉

50,000 Hand-Painted Honey Bees … And Not Just For the “Buzz” of It

Matt Willey is on a journey to hand paint 50,000 honey bees – the same number of bees in a hive – by way of murals and art installations all around the world.

Woman and dog sitting overlooking the water

How I Took 3 Weeks Off: Dos & Don’ts for Entrepreneurs Taking Vacation Time

If you’re a business owner, you CAN take time off for yourself when you need to – and I’m not talking about a day here and there. Here’s how I recently took 3 full weeks off and came back in full swing.

alternative other words for blog

What’s in a Word? 50 Alternatives When “Blog” Just Isn’t Good Enough

Often times we’ll name the page for our posts “Blog” without giving it a second thought – but the truth is, there are about a million other things you could call it. Let’s start with 50 ideas right now.

woman dancing freely in the open air

Let Yourself Off the Hook With These 4 Questions (Because You Deserve It!)

Whatever you’ve been beating yourself up over not having gotten done, maybe it’s time you let yourself off the hook for once.

woman and puppy dog smiling

#puppylife i.e. The Subtle Art of “Recalibration”

When you get a puppy, everything changes. It requires a total “recalibration” of your life as you know it. What other things in life require recalibration and how can we better prepare for them?

little girl singing and playing guitar on the street for money

Sing It Like You Mean It!

When was the last time you decided to go ALL in with everything you’ve got?

woman sitting at her laptop working on SEO

3 Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW to Improve Your Website’s SEO

It doesn’t take long to realize that stepping into the world of SEO is the beginning of a very deep rabbit hole. To simplify matters, here are three you can do right now (as in this very minute) to get your website’s SEO headed in a better direction.

city skyline with lights blurs creating an effect of movement

Movement in Web Design: These 3 Effects Will “Fancify” Your Website

Want to give your website a little modern sparkle and pizzazz? These three ways to add movement to your site design will give your website that extra “wow factor” users will love.

colorful and unique socks hanging on a clothesline

Lost & Found: A Story of Socks, Surrender, and Sweet Success

Sometimes we have to give up the search to find that which we so desperately seek.

project yourself from scope creep - tiny yellow van in front of a life-size yellow van

3 Ways to Protect Yourself from the Dreaded “Scope Creep”

“Scope Creep” refers to when the overall amount of work required for a project begins to “creep” beyond what was originally expected and/or agreed upon. It’s simply a reality of life for business owners, and as such, it’s imperative that we know how to protect and take care of ourselves in the midst of it all.

something better is coming

16 Self-Care Mantras That Might Just Transform Your Day

Mantras are a great way to shift whatever that voice in your head is telling you into something a bit kinder. If you’re in need of some self-care today, these 16 mantras just might turn your day around.

woman talking on the phone - successful first call with a prospective client

The 5 Secrets to a Successful “First Call” With a Prospective Client

It’s your first call with a prospective client and more than anything you want it to go well. These five tips and mindset shifts will ensure both you and your prospective client leave the call with what you need and heading in a good direction.

saving for something special

“Saving it” for something special? It just might never come.

Do you have items you’re “saving” for something special? Here’s the argument behind why the time to enjoy your most cherished belongings is now.

Colette Louise Tisdahl Foundation website

Does YOUR website have these 6 things?

In the midst of an Ellanyze website audit and makeover, we made these six huge improvements to the Colette Louise Tisdahl Foundation website. Could your website use these enhancements as well?

three potted plants growing - ways to change your money mindset and raise your prices

5 Ways to Improve Your Money Mindset (and Raise Your Prices)

One of the best (and worst) parts of being in business for yourself is that you set your own prices. On the one hand, the sky is the limit! On the other, no one is going to give you a raise except for YOU.

finger with smiley face

Three Great Websites For When You Need Cheering Up

All of us have times when we could use a little help turning that frown upside down. If you’re having one of those days – you’re in luck! These three fun websites are just the thing.

Gmail inbox on a laptop

Spend LESS Time Emailing With These 8 Tips

If you’re like most people, it’s nothing but email email email all day long, a constant stream of mental clutter coming at you from dawn to dusk. And while it might SEEM out of your control, there are actually tangible changes YOU can make to minimize the number of emails you receive and send daily. Ready to give it a try?

An Experiment in Affirmations

Are affirmations a load of bologna or do they actually work? I decided to make myself the guinea pig and put them to the test. Here’s what happened.

video background on website

Get Your Website “Ultra-Hip” With Video Backgrounds: 3 Tips

Background video is a great way to add movement, visual interest, and modern flair to your website. Here are three tips to make sure you reap the rewards while avoiding common pitfalls.

for hire sign

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Taking on a Client

How can we make sure we end up working with clients who are truly a good fit for us and our services – and politely pass on the ones who aren’t? Let these five questions be your guide.

Forgive Yourself – Instantly

Sometimes the most important person we need forgiveness from is ourself.

quote on the window of a boxing studio

12 Stories of Failure Before Success That Will Inspire You

Just imagine what these 12 highly-known individuals would have missed out on if they’d given up after they failed. Instead, they persevered and found their way to success.

person browsing stock photo website

Choosing Photos? Avoid These 4 Pitfalls

Within the entire process of putting your website together, choosing your photos has got to be one of the most fun parts. But before you get lost in the excitement of choosing your images, make sure to steer clear of these four common pitfalls.

sorry we're closed sign hanging in a shop window

6 Ways to Create Boundaries in Your Business That Take Care of YOU

We’ve all been guilty from time to time of trying to please our clients – at the expense of our own mental health. These six practices for creating boundaries in your business will help you take good care of yourself in the future.

woman playing a musical keyboard

The 5 Steps to Commit to Something You Want to Be Doing (and Aren’t)

Almost all of us have something in life that we very much desire to do but just aren’t. Below are five ways to commit to making that vision a reality once and for all.

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