
It’s Not Too Late! 5 Creative Client Gift Ideas For the Holidays

While sending out holiday gifts to your clients at each year’s end is certainly not a requirement, it can be a lovely way to show them how much you appreciate them at this “most wonderful time of the year.” If you’d like your client’s gifts to stand out a bit more than a box of chocolates would, I hope the following five ideas will provide some inspiration!

Throw a Client Appreciation Party in the New Year

What better way to show your clients you love them than to throw a party in their honor?

A few ideas for making your client appreciation party extra special: 1) Get past just food and drinks and come up with a unifying theme that will guarantee your clients leave with a gem of insight or wisdom in addition to a full belly. 2) Collaborate with one or two other people in your general industry to expand your attendee list. 3) Think of ways you can throw a party that exudes your brand and shows people not just your appreciation but also reinforces the best qualities of your brand and business. (Here are some more ideas for throwing a client appreciation party to get you started).

I did an Enneagram-themed client appreciation party a few years back with a fellow marketing business owner and it was a huge hit! Your holiday-time invitation will also give them something fun to look forward to in January which can often otherwise be a dreary month.

Send a Handwritten Card

Cards of any kind are great, but hand-written cards are the best of all. Each of us receives some cards during the holiday season, but it’s the ones that include a heartfelt, thoughtful note that truly makes us smile. What in particular do you appreciate about each of your clients? Their passion, communication, positivity, or professionalism? Write them a card and tell them so. Your note alone will be more of a gift than you realize.

Give a Thoughtful Gift

Chocolate and/or sweets are all fine and good (hey we all love ’em) but if you’re going to give your clients physical gifts, see if you can get “beneath the surface” and give them something a bit more unique and personal that is also in alignment with your brand. For example, a few years ago because one of my business core values is “Lift Others Up” I decided to shop small and purchased some beautiful boxes of cards from a local friend and artist. It felt great to support her as well as share her artistic talents with my clients. What are your business’s core values and how could you translate one of them into a unique gift idea? Check out my post Recipe for a Great Website for more on finding your core values.

Offer a “Past Clients Only” promotion

Promotions? They’re great. But promotions that are exclusive to past clients only? Spectacular. What’s something you could offer to only your past clients that would really rock their world? It could either be a totally free offering, a highly discounted offering, or something new that you don’t usually do for anyone. Make sure and emphasize that this offer is only for them as a special group and not to outsiders so they know they’re receiving a special gift.

Put Your Clients in the “Spotlight”

Are you savvy with social media? Try this: hold a “Client Appreciation Spotlight” week around the holidays where every day you do shoutouts to various clients and tell them why you appreciate them (make sure and tag them so they’ll see it!). Link to their website as well so they can see you’re “gifting” them with not only appreciation but also some good old-fashioned publicity.

An Important Note About Inclusivity

Remember that not everyone celebrates Christmas and for a person who does not, nothing will make them feel less known than getting a Christmas card in the mail. To make sure your cards/notes/gifts are inclusive for ALL your clients, you could stick to messages of Joy, Peace, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year – and try to avoid blatantly red and green cards. This way you can spread the love to your clients without alienating any of them in the process 🙂

In Closing

Remember, whatever creative client gifts you use to show your love and appreciation – it should feel GOOD doing it. When you show your clients you love them, the benefit is twofold: our recipients feel thought of, valued, and cared for; and we ourselves also experience tremendous joy in creating and giving them something thoughtful and wonderful.

Happy Holidays!

Creative Client Gifts For the Holidays candles

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Janelle Reichman, web designer in Ann Arbor Michigan

Janelle is a blogger, web designer, WordPress queen, dog mama, singer-songwriter, guitarist, Michigander, and lover of life. Read her story...

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