
Sing It Like You Mean It!

I attended my nephew’s first karate belt ceremony a few weeks ago. He earned his yellow belt and did an amazing job and I was one proud auntie, let me tell you.

But today’s blog is actually about something else that happened at the ceremony – something totally unexpected.

After all the kids had received their new belts, the instructor looked out at the audience and said, “Now we have a surprise for you,” as he ushered a small girl to the front of the stage. Before we had time to wonder what this might be about, she opened her mouth and started belting out “The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow” from the musical Annie. And what a voice she had! As my jaw dropped in awe at what I was seeing and hearing, I looked around to find many others experiencing a similar reaction. A musician myself, I couldn’t help but notice that her tone, pitch, and delivery were all completely on point. As she finished her last note, the audience erupted into enthusiastic applause.

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow. You’re only a day away!

Afterward, as I reflected on what exactly made her performance so jaw-dropping, I realized that it wasn’t her tone, pitch, or any other technical component that made it so memorable.

It was that she was singing like she meant it. She was singing with everything she had, and it was 100% apparent. She made it quite literally impossible to ignore her.

And it got me thinking. When was the last time I had done something with that kind of “all-in” commitment and devotion? And more importantly, what would happen (what could happen) if all the activities I loved in life, I did in this way?

The possibilities, I decided, were endless.

So today I leave you with these thoughts:

When you sing it like you mean it, you get people’s attention.

When you sing it like you mean it, you make it impossible to ignore you.

When you sing it like you mean it, you inspire others to do the same.

Whether it’s singing or dancing or raising a puppy or starting a business or anything else in your life – if you truly love it, do it like you mean it. Because that’s when you’ll find out what’s truly possible.


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Janelle Reichman, web designer in Ann Arbor Michigan

Janelle is a blogger, web designer, WordPress queen, dog mama, singer-songwriter, guitarist, Michigander, and lover of life. Read her story...

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