
Blog Post Category: Self Care

clarinet player on a stage with microphone

Letting Go of Perfectionism

I’m performing tomorrow night with my band at a local jazz festival in my city, and you know what? I’m not stressed or nervous about it....
phone laying face down on the bed

Your Life or Your Inbox: 3 Tips

Can you remember life before email? I’m 35 years old and very thankful that I can. It was a simpler, more peaceful existence. Slower paced and....
event chairs in front of a speaker's stage

Terrified to Speak? Remember These 3 Things.

I was recently a guest speaker at LA2M, a popular monthly marketing group in downtown Ann Arbor. Each month LA2M presents a speaker on a....
a jigsaw puzzle piece laying all alone

Unfinished (Jigsaw) Puzzle

It’s my belief that every single one of us has an unfinished jigsaw puzzle in our home, somewhere or other. (let me explain) A few months ago on....
a woman standing on the curb looking to cross the street

Your Gut is Talking to You.

Do you know that feeling you get in your stomach when you don’t quite want to do something? For me it’s a subtle discomfort that sits....
The Ellanyze office work space: iMac, flowers, light birch desk

Creating a Workspace You Love

Where do you do your best work? Can you work in any location with equal productivity and inspiration? For I confess, I cannot. My surroundings and....
a woman in the snow blowing snowflakes from her hands

5 Self-Care Tips for Entrepreneurs During the Holidays

“Time off? What’s time off?” – Every entrepreneur who ever lived I find the single most challenging thing about being an....
a plant with little buddha statues on a desk with artwork

The Vast Rewards of a “You-cation”

Does it ever seem like you can never quite get to those things in life you’re most excited about? Those things you’d love to do that are....
a name tag that says "I hate networking!"

Networking for Introverts

The networking introvert. Now there’s an oxymoron if I ever heard one. If you’re an introvert like I am – or just someone who hates....

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