
When is it Time to Redesign Your Website? The 10 Surefire Signs

If you’re been wondering when is it time to redesign your website, see if you’ve caught yourself thinking or saying any of these 10 statements. If so, you know it’s time!

When is it Time to Redesign Your Website? three tarot cards laid out in a row, with swans on them

Don’t worry – this post is not about tarot cards – but that being said, if during your next tarot reading you draw a card with a computer and a paintbrush on it, then it’s definitely time to redesign your website 😉

But tarot jokes aside, today we’re talking about SIGNS.

When is it time to redesign your website? These 10 signs will tell you.

If you have found yourself thinking/saying/feeling any of the below as of late, it just might be your sign that it’s time to take your website to the next level, moving you a step closer to where you dream of being in your business.

1) I feel like there have been prospects I could have landed if my website were more compelling.

Your website’s job is to give you every possible advantage and to make sure that when a person who falls perfectly in your target market visits your website, they see that they’ve finally found their perfect fit.

2) My website doesn’t do me justice: my work and abilities are FAR more amazing than my website makes it look like.

Honing your craft and process over years of toil and iteration is the hard part! If you know for a fact that you’re providing a word class service, it’s high time your website reflected that.

3) I have a crappy website and I’m still getting as many leads as I need to maintain a full clientele.

If you’re that rare person who manages to get all the leads you need through word-of-mouth despite your less than awesome (or even nonexistent) marketing presence, consider this: imagine where you could be if you combined that rock-solid reputation and service you’ve built with the brilliance of a marketing wizard. The sky would be the limit!

4) Sometimes I avoid sending people to my website because I’m embarrassed by how amateur it looks.

You deserve to have a website that you feel so confident about and proud of that you can’t wait to send it to any prospects who come your way – because you know it will show them exactly what they need to see.

5) I never update my website because I’m afraid I’ll break the layout – or the whole thing!

Life is stressful enough without the added worry of breaking your website, isn’t it? Editing your website should be quick and easy so you can get it done already and get back to the work you love.

6) I can think of at least one person who gives me website envy.

Don’t be the person who envies other people’s websites. Be the person whose website other people envy and say, “I must know, who did your website?” 😉

7) I’ve never heard from a prospect who actually found my website on Google.

As much as it may seem like it, prospects finding you on Google isn’t voodoo and it isn’t magic. In fact, I’ve seen it with my own eyes! 😉 It’s just a matter of a little research, a little know-how, and a little perseverance. If you’ve got those three things, there’s no reason why people shouldn’t be finding you online.

8) It feels near impossible to write content for my website because I’m so close to my work and I can’t tell if what I’m writing is any good.

Isn’t so true, isn’t it? When you’re the person doing the work, it can feel impossible to write about the work you do. A great website designer will ask you all the right questions and then echo back to you those words that ring true but that you just couldn’t have written yourself.

9) If I had the money to work with a professional web designer, I would in a heartbeat!

It’s true that each and every one of us has things we’d love to have – if only we had the money to do so. But I believe it’s also true that when we stop wishing for something and instead decide that we absolutely without a doubt must have it, we find a way to make it happen.

10) I’m beginning to suspect that my website is holding my business back.

Your website’s job is to elevate you, lift you up, and paint you in the best possible light so you can connect with as many of the people you’re meant to serve as you can. If your website isn’t doing that, then this might just be the sign you’ve been looking for.

If you’re looking for help with any of the above, or just really want a website in total alignment with you and your business, check out my portfolio to see if you think we might be a good fit to work together. I’d love to chat.

xo / Janelle

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Meet Janelle

Janelle Reichman, web designer in Ann Arbor Michigan

Janelle is a blogger, web designer, WordPress queen, dog mama, singer-songwriter, guitarist, Michigander, and lover of life. Read her story...

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