
Freshen Up Your Website: 3 Ways to Show Your Website Some LOVE

Freshen up your website with these three creative tips for rekindling the flame and showing your website some love.

show your website some love this valentine's day

Remember when you and your website very first met? In that honeymoon period, you’d never felt more in love. You adored your website, showed it off to everyone you met, and spoke often about how beautiful and useful it was. You and your website were, in essence, inseparable.

But then, as time went on, things changed. You drifted apart. You became distracted with other marketing resources and you gave your website less and less attention. One day, you realized with sudden horror that you hadn’t spoken to or thought of your website in over a year.

You always knew deep down that you should give your website a call, ask her how she’s doing and if there’s anything she needs … but you just never got around to it.

Well, guess what? There’s never been a better time.

It’s time to freshen up your website.

Below are three ways to show your website a little L-O-V-E and rekindle that flame that once burned fierce and bright.

Website Love Tip #1: Clean out those cobwebs.

When you take the time and care to go through each page of your website and check for broken links, spelling/grammatical mistakes, and other errors – your website will never feel so loved! These free tools will help:

  1. If you have a WordPress website, try this free WordPress broken link checker plugin to check for broken links.
  2. Install the Grammarly extension to get spelling and grammar corrections.
  3. Make sure SSL is properly set up (find out if your website has SSL) and check if your pages are loading quickly (here’s a free speed test).

Website Love Tip #2: Out with the old, in with the new.

Have you filled your website in on your life lately? Take a look over all the content on each page of your website. Do the headlines, paragraphs, language, and photos embody what you’re all about these days? If not, let’s do something about it.

When your website is perfectly aligned with the most current version of you, your passion for your work, what’s truly unique about you, and what you love most about your work with your clients – that’s when the magic happens. That’s when you attract the clients you are meant to be serving. And by the way, if you’re looking for help in this area, this happens to be my zone of genius (contact me – let’s talk).

Website Love Tip #3: Get Inspired! And then go nuts.

Love thrives when we share our passions and joy with one another. When’s the last time you felt downright inspired by other websites’ beauty and awesomeness and brought that inspiration to your own? Some of my favorite places for good old-fashioned “website inspiration” are siteInspire, Awwwards, and Web Design Inspiration. Dream a little! And then, call up your favorite web designer and show your website some love <3

In Closing

No relationship stands the test of time without ongoing attention, love, and care – the one between you and your website is no different. And you know what the best part is? When you take the time to care for your website – to keep it updated, fresh, and in alignment with you, your values, your vision, and your business – it will pay you back ten times over every time.

Looking for more website tips? Here are some other quick reads from Janelle (that’s me!) at Ellanyze:

Website Content Ideas: 20 ways to “Freshen Up” Your Website

Make Your Website Mobile Friendly: The Ultimate Checklist

freshen up website - woman blowing her computer a kiss

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Janelle Reichman, web designer in Ann Arbor Michigan

Janelle is a blogger, web designer, WordPress queen, dog mama, singer-songwriter, guitarist, Michigander, and lover of life. Read her story...

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