
Blog Post Category: Lifestyle

Puppy peeking out of a laundry hamper

20 Ways My Dog Makes My Life Better

How has my sweet boy made life more worth living? Let me count the ways… Hudson, this one is for you. 1. Unconditional Love – Of course....
broken piggy bank

When to “Spend Big” – a Minimalist’s Perspective

There are lots of times when NOT spending the money is the smarter move – but not always. How can you tell when to spend big and when to save?....
tree in the wind

Look for the Silver Lining

A story of thunderstorms, fallen trees, power outages, and finally, unforeseen wins shows us that even in undisputably “bad” situations....

Got the “End of Summer” Blues? Try This.

If you’re someone who feels a touch of melancholy as summer is coming to a close, a “Season Past & Forward Look” might be just....

50,000 Hand-Painted Honey Bees … And Not Just For the “Buzz” of It

Matt Willey is on a journey to hand paint 50,000 honey bees – the same number of bees in a hive – by way of murals and art installations....
woman and puppy dog smiling

#puppylife i.e. The Subtle Art of “Recalibration”

When you get a puppy, everything changes. It requires a total “recalibration” of your life as you know it. What other things in life....
little girl singing and playing guitar on the street for money

Sing It Like You Mean It!

When was the last time you decided to go ALL in with everything you’ve got? I attended my nephew’s first karate belt ceremony a few weeks....
colorful and unique socks hanging on a clothesline

Lost & Found: A Story of Socks, Surrender, and Sweet Success

Sometimes we have to give up the search to find that which we so desperately seek. A Missing Sock in an Orderly World Items don’t get lost very....
saving for something special

“Saving it” for something special? It just might never come.

Do you have items you’re “saving” for something special? Here’s the argument behind why the time to enjoy your most cherished....

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