
Blog Post Category: Productivity

lightbulb entrepreneurial operating system EOS

How EOS Transformed My Business

The Entrepreneurial Operating System illuminates even the darkest of rooms in your business. EOS benefits broken down. Fumbling around in a dark room:....
a bucket of paintbrushes

Get Inspired and Get Moving!

All too often when we’re feeling unmotivated and uninspired in our work, we wait for a change to miraculously come from within us. In these....
empty desk with a closed laptop

Bust Through that Business Lull!

Oh, the entrepreneurial life – one moment we’re trying with all our might to keep our heads above water, and the next we’re sitting....
yellow door and green door side by side

5 Steps to Making Difficult Choices Without Regret

Do you remember the last time you had to make a really difficult choice? If it was recently, then you probably remember quite well how agonizing it....
phone laying face down on the bed

Your Life or Your Inbox: 3 Tips

Can you remember life before email? I’m 35 years old and very thankful that I can. It was a simpler, more peaceful existence. Slower paced and....
The Ellanyze office work space: iMac, flowers, light birch desk

Creating a Workspace You Love

Where do you do your best work? Can you work in any location with equal productivity and inspiration? For I confess, I cannot. My surroundings and....
laptop at coffee shop

Working in Coffee Shop Smart Tips

I don’t think I’ve ever met an entrepreneur who doesn’t work in coffee shops. Coffee shops are our turf. They’re our office....
a pocket watch swinging from side to side

Take Control of Your Time

Do you ever feel like time is in control of you instead of the other way around? This is exactly how I felt most of my adult life – until....
purple computer keyboard

The Great Payoff of Improving Your Typing Skills

So what is this big payoff? While some will argue that it’s a time-saver, my reason for encouraging people to learn to type faster is slightly....

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