
Blog Post Category: Productivity

how to have a great relationship with time

Your Relationship With Time: Love it & You’ll Always Have Enough

Create a loving relationship with time, and you’ll always have enough. An Unsettling Realization And so it was at last in that moment, at 7:25....
quick problem solving - a light bulb sitting in the sand on a beach

The Key to Quick Problem Solving: Stay Open to a Fast Solution

Who decided that quick problem solving is hard or even impossible? When we remain open to the possibility of it being easy, we allow solutions to....
Best Apps For Small Business Owners computer screen with various app icons along the bottom

Best Apps For Small Business Owners: 10 Ways to Make Life Easier

The best apps for small business owners are a combination of marketing, organization, productivity, and communication tools. These days, there’s....
ways to spend less time on your phone

How to Spend Less Time On Your Phone: 5 Ways to Create Space

If your phone the first thing you look at when you wake up and the last thing you look at before you go to sleep, here’s how to spend less time....
an ocean and sunset very serene

Finding Flow: 4 Paths to Getting “In the Zone”

Finding FLOW is discovering “a mental state in which a person is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus and enjoyment in an activity....
woman facing her fear crossing a bridge

How to Face Your Fears: 3 Remedies for Overcoming Dread

How to face your fears all comes down to reframing in the mind. Use these three proven techniques to move through your dread. You CAN overcome! When I....
how to get better at multitasking - a doodle drawing with lots of symbols and pictures

How to Get Better at Multitasking: 3 Tips

If you’re wondering how to get better at multitasking, look no further. These three tips will have you spinning plates in no time. There are....
huge pile of watches

How to Work More Efficiently: 3 Time Saving Tips

These three time-saving tips will show you how to work more efficiently and get more done in less time. Picture this: You’re in the middle of....
declutter your life minimalist chair and desk in a room

Ways to Declutter Your Life: 3 Techniques to Simplify It All

Go beyond just organization – these three ways to declutter your life will have you letting out a HUGE sigh of relief. You know the feeling when....

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