
Blog Post Category: Marketing

confused dog

Know Your Stuff? That’s Great … Just Remember They Don’t!

One of the easiest mistakes to make as a business owner is forgetting how MUCH you know and how WELL you know it, and then talking to your clients in....
young woman looking at a website on her phone

3 Creative Ways to Use E-Commerce on Your Website

What’s that you say? You’re not an “E-Commerce” business? Not so fast. After you read about these three creative ways to make....
Two women talking at a table - sales conversation or interview

Your 2 Untapped Superpowers for Sales Calls & Interviews

How do you think you come across during interviews or calls with prospective clients? Regardless of what is talked about, there are two unspoken....
little things in business - a miniature green office chair

It’s All in the Details: 5 “Little Things” That Matter BIG Time in Business

We all know what the BIG things are in business owner life, such as providing top-notch service for your customers. But what often doesn’t get....
hand holding up several hundred dollar bills

Before You Set Your Prices, Read This.

Many business owners charge by the hour, and while there’s not necessarily anything *wrong* with that, there are a lot of things it does NOT....
DIY website mistakes and how to fix them - all sorts of DIY tools like tape, scissors, and paper

5 Common DIY Website Mistakes (& How to Fix Them)

Almost ALL business owners have a DIY (do it yourself) website at the start. If you still have a DIY site, here are five mistakes you just might be....
man crying because his website went down

What to Do When Your Website Goes Down

When your website unexpectedly goes down, it can be pretty easy to freak out. But fear not! Following this easy 5 step process will ensure....
window sale sign on the street

5 Ways to Make the MOST of Your Holiday or New Year’s Sale/Promotion

Holding some kind of sale or promotion around the holidays or new year can be a GREAT way to drum up new business. Once you decide on yours, here are....
two decorative wrapped gifts - creative client holiday gift ideas

It’s Not Too Late! 5 Creative Client Gift Ideas For the Holidays

The holidays are a wonderful time to show your clients how much you appreciate them. If chocolate just feels too ho-hum, here are five creative client....

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