
Blog Post Category: Marketing

red velvet curtains

Who Gets to Enter Your VIP Area?

Never forget that the best part of owning your own business is that YOU get to decide who can enter your realm and who doesn’t make the cut....
unicorn piggy bank with coins

Investing in a New Website? Don’t Skimp on These 3 Things

Working with a pro website designer/developer on your site is an investment, I get it. But if you’re going to make that investment, here are....
talk bubbles with a city

5 Ways to Get More Referrals

If you get most of your new customers from referrals (introductions from past clients) you are not alone! If this is the case for you, here are five....
dog at a computer wearing glasses

3 Websites I *LOVE* and Why

As a professional web designer, it’s pretty rare that I stumble upon a website in my own personal life that I LOVE. But it does happen and when....
Ragbirds website screenshot

A Little Website Refresh Can Go a Looooong Way

If your shiny new website is now a few years old, don’t forget that a little TLC from your web designer can go a long, long way 🙂 The Forgotten....
man repairing a car

When You Learn What *Not* To Do

Sometimes we learn how to be amazing service providers from having amazing models, and then, sometimes, we learn how to be great from seeing what NOT....
what do you say when a prospect asks if you can go down in price?

5 Answers to the Question “Are You Able to Go Down in Price?”

When you send a prospect your proposal and they answer with “I’m afraid that’s out of my budget. Are you able to go down in....
person dialing on an old rotary phone

Website Contact Forms 101: Must-Have Tips + Examples We Love

Do you have a contact form on your website? If so you’re in luck – because you’re about to get five tips for upping your conversion....
outside the box thinking

Think Outside the Box

I recently witnessed someone do something completely outside the box on her website, and it kind of knocked my socks off. Last week I was chatting....

Tired of wondering whether your homepage is doing all "the right" things?

Wonder no more.

Savvy Homepage Secrets: five fabulous tips for a homepage that turns visitors into customers

My FREE 5 lesson mini-course will give you clarity and direction. Begin today!

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