
Blog Post Category: Marketing

When is it Time to Redesign Your Website? three tarot cards laid out in a row, with swans on them

When is it Time to Redesign Your Website? The 10 Surefire Signs

If you’re been wondering when is it time to redesign your website, see if you’ve caught yourself thinking or saying any of these 10....
Wondering What to Put in a Website Footer? an example of a creatively designed and very colorful website footer

Wondering What to Put in a Website Footer? Here’s 10 Great Ideas

If you’ve ever been wondering what to put in your website footer, it’s all about intention and authenticity. These 10 tips for a great....
a blue cereal bowl with a spoon and no cereal inside, just empty

How to Make a Website Look Professional: 5 Tricks of the Trade

Maybe you have a DIY site and you’re wondering how to make a website look professional. These five 5 pro-tips will get your website looking like....
How to Generate More Leads From Your Website: a golden key buried in the leaves

How to Generate More Leads From Your Website: 5 Wizardry Tips!

How to generate more leads from your website comes down to credibility, irresistibility, and most of all, walking the walk. I’m so glad that you....
Blogging Tips and Tricks: a magazine rack chock full of magazines

Blogging Tips and Tricks: Create Compelling Posts & Get Them Read

These 10 blogging tips and tricks can help you to reach your audience, make an impact, and build a following. While some of us are lucky enough to be....
How to Sell Without Being Pushy or Salesy hand with a red rose sitting in the palm

How to Sell Without Being Pushy or Salesy: It’s All About Mindset

It can be hard to know how to sell without being pushy, especially when selling feels so “icky” for you! However, with just a few mindset....
nuance in web design

Web Design Tips: 5 Nuances That Will Make All the Difference

These five seemingly subtle web design tips will mean the difference between a website that looks DIY and one that looks totally pro. I had a rather....
website social media a laptop with a phone

Your Website + Social Media: 5 Powerful Ways to Integrate the Two

When you integrate your website and social media, it’s a happy marriage that can bring highly fruitful results. You KNOW you’re supposed....
Website Homepage Best Practices - a house with a grassy lawn

Website Homepage Best Practices: The Ultimate Checklist

These 10 website homepage best practices are a great place to start to make sure your homepage is elegant, informative, and compelling. Do you know....

Tired of wondering whether your homepage is doing all "the right" things?

Wonder no more.

Savvy Homepage Secrets: five fabulous tips for a homepage that turns visitors into customers

My FREE 5 lesson mini-course will give you clarity and direction. Begin today!

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