Authorized Vehicles Only
I’ll confess that in the past when I’ve heard people tell stories about running out of gas, I never really […]
5 Great Conversation Starters
“Where are you from?” “Do you come here often?” …yawn… Never be afraid to ask great questions. When I’m out […]
Creating a Workspace You Love
Where do you do your best work? Can you work in any location with equal productivity and inspiration? For I […]
Working in Coffee Shop Smart Tips
I don’t think I’ve ever met an entrepreneur who doesn’t work in coffee shops. Coffee shops are our turf. They’re […]
Life Lessons from a Four-Year-Old
Yesterday, on a lazy Saturday afternoon, I got to spend a few hours with my nephew Jack. I was struck, […]
My First Vision Board
When a friend invited me to her “vision board making” party, I thought I had a pretty good idea of what […]
5 Self-Care Tips for Entrepreneurs During the Holidays
“Time off? What’s time off?” – Every entrepreneur who ever lived I find the single most challenging thing about being […]
The Birthday List
Remember when you were a kid and your birthday was the thing that you most looked forward to all year? […]
The Vast Rewards of a “You-cation”
Does it ever seem like you can never quite get to those things in life you’re most excited about? Those […]