
Self Care

The Ellanyze office work space: iMac, flowers, light birch desk

Creating a Workspace You Love

Where do you do your best work? Can you work in any location with equal productivity and inspiration? For I […]

a woman in the snow blowing snowflakes from her hands

5 Self-Care Tips for Entrepreneurs During the Holidays

“Time off? What’s time off?” – Every entrepreneur who ever lived I find the single most challenging thing about being […]

a plant with little buddha statues on a desk with artwork

The Vast Rewards of a “You-cation”

Does it ever seem like you can never quite get to those things in life you’re most excited about? Those […]

a name tag that says "I hate networking!"

Networking for Introverts

The networking introvert. Now there’s an oxymoron if I ever heard one. If you’re an introvert like I am – […]

a girl looking at a phone under the bed covers

How Technology May Be Ruining Your Sleep

I know you don’t want to believe it, but it’s true. While technology has improved our lives in countless ways, […]

hands holding up a paper heart in the sunlight

Love – Pass it on!

Do you remember the last time someone did something really nice for you for no reason at all? How did […]

person helping another person up a mountain

Why You Need a Personal Coach

Whether you’re working with a life coach, dating coach, health coach, or another kind of coach – they all have […]

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