It’s not a question of whether moments of euphoria happen in your life – it’s a question of whether you ever take a moment to stop and notice when they do.
The other day I was perusing the blog of one of my favorite songwriters, Colin Hay (who you may remember from the epically popular 80s band Men at Work with hits like Down Under). Probably the thing I was least expecting to find was a lightbulb moment about euphoria in life, but as it turns out, that’s just what I found.
Earlier this month was the 35th anniversary of the release of one of Colin’s songs, Looking for Jack. While at first listen one might think the song is literally about looking for a dude named Jack, in Colin’s words it’s more about “the illusion that happiness is a thing that can be achieved, and can remain constant.”
But let’s get to the euphoria bit, shall we?
He goes on to say: “I still experience moments of euphoria, sometimes in traffic on the 101, or watching the sun disappear over the mighty Pacific, with the evening mist drifting up the canyon. They are fleeting moments, they come and then they’re gone. Like the last 35 years.”
Who knows why certain words affect us at certain times, but for whatever reason, as I read these words they went straight to my core. It felt so true and still does. Moments of euphoria, peace, mindfulness, contentment, or whatever you prefer to call them – they’re in our lives every day. But it’s up to us to stop and notice them. And just as Colin said, if you don’t, the next moment they might be gone.
So my challenge to you today: as you experience those tiny moments of fleeting contentment – whether while petting your dog, sitting down to eat dinner with your family, exchanging a silent smile with a loved one, or just listening to the silence of the morning before you get out of bed – catch them. Recognize them. Embrace them. Even melt into them if you can.
And then? Move on with life 🙂
For more quick reads on finding happiness in everyday life, check out these other blogs from Janelle (that’s me) at Ellanyze:
How to Find Happiness Again: I Bet You Haven’t Tried This
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