
Self Care

an empty bench at sunrise

A Lesson in Patience

Is there something in your life you’ve made a deadline for that doesn’t actually need one?

two girls relaxing in a hammock

Rituals: A Wonderful Way to Get More of the Good Stuff in Life

Are there things in your life that you wish you had more of? Make them a ritual, and that’s exactly what you’ll get.

woman waiting impatiently with her hands around her head

Waiting for an Answer? Take Care of Yourself: 3 Ways

When you’re waiting for an answer … especially from someone you submitted a proposal to – the waiting can be excruciating! Here are three ways to take care of yourself while you await that reply.

take care of yourself during busy times - man fell asleep at computer

3 Ways to Take Care of Yourself During Busy Times

What’s the first thing to fall off the radar when life gets extraordinarily busy? Self-care of course. Here are three ways you can continue to do right by YOU even when life gets hectic.

ways to say no when you don't want to do something

Don’t Wanna Do It? 10 Ways to Say “No”

We all have times when we’re asked to do things we don’t want to do. If you typically say yes anyway or give an excuse that doesn’t really hold up – this blog is for you.

moments of euphoria - a woman with her hand out the car window riding in the mountains

Moments of Euphoria

It’s not a question of whether moments of euphoria happen in your life – it’s a question of whether you ever take a moment to stop and notice when they do.


What Were Your 5 Wins This Year?

This time of year, it’s easy to get swept up in planning for the coming year. But before you do, why not take five minutes to recall your top five wins for the year behind you? It will feel darn good.

rainbow in the clouds

News Got Ya Down? Here Are 3 Sources for Real GOOD News

The news these days isn’t exactly what you’d call “uplifting” – and it doesn’t look like that’ll be changing anytime soon. So when your heart needs a lift, here are three great websites to turn to for some genuinely good things happening in the world.

Got the “End of Summer” Blues? Try This.

If you’re someone who feels a touch of melancholy as summer is coming to a close, a “Season Past & Forward Look” might be just the thing to lift your spirits.

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