

website about me page tips

15 Creative Prompts For a Stellar “About Me” Page

For a lot of business owners, the “About Me” page is one of the most frequently viewed pages on their website … and it’s no surprise why – people want to know YOU. Enjoy these 15 creative prompts that will take your About Me page to the next level.

crystal ball

3 Things I Wish I’d Known When I Started My Business

Wouldn’t it have been grand if when we were first starting our business, a wiser and older version of ourselves told us the REAL secrets to success? These are the three secrets I would have revealed.

how to let it go - person's hands freeing into the sky

How to Let It Go: 3 Ways to Find Calm With What You Can’t Control

When despite all our preparations and precautions things just don’t go as planned, sometimes how to let it go is all about looking for the good.

your personal brand - desk with keyboard, notepad, and pens

Your Personal Brand: 3 Subtle But Powerful Ways to Step It Up

Personal branding is like business branding except it’s all about YOU – in short, your personal brand is how you communicate your value to the world.

site slow to load - woman driving a car

Speed Up Your Site: 5 Things You Can Do Right Now

There is just about NOTHING worse than a website that is slow to load. If your website is performing sluggishly, here are five things you can do to speed it up!

Should I delete my Facebook? Woman in a beautiful natural setting looking at her phone looking anxious

3 Reasons I Knew It Was Time to Delete My Facebook Account

“Should I delete my Facebook account?” is a question that more and more of us are asking ourselves these days. If these three signs feel true for you, it just might be time.

zero inbox how to keep one

Zero Inbox: How to Get it and Make it Last

Have you always looked at people who maintain a zero (empty) inbox and wondered how on earth they do it? Here’s an easy step-by-step guide to help you not only get there but stay there.


Learning to Ride the Ebb and Flow of Business (and Life)

Sometimes the best thing to do during “slow” or “down” times is to just hold on.

best contact us page examples

5 Best Contact Us Pages & What We Love About Each

These five examples of the best contact pages on the web will show you how to create a contact us page that sparks leads for your business.

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