One of the coolest things about WordPress is that folks all across the globe are dreaming up new things for WordPress websites to do each and every day. If you have a WordPress website, here are five nifty (FREE) add-ons that might just help your business in 2021. Enjoy!
1) Smart Floating Button by Buttonizer
This add-on allows you to add a floating button of your choice to the lower right or left corner of your website. As a user scrolls down a page, this floating button will stay in place, making it constantly visible (win!). You can make it an upward arrow that, when clicked, zips users back up to the top of the page; you can make it an envelope icon that emails you when clicked; or something else – the sky is the limit!
View Smart Floating Button Plugin
2) Redirection by John Godley
Sometimes you just want to create a short and easy to remember link that sends users to a page of your website (which might have a long URL address for SEO or other reasons). For example, you might want people to be able to enter and be forwarded to a page. This plugin allows you to set up forwards (or “redirects”) so that URLs of your design will forward to any page on your site! Simple and highly useful.
3) Boxzilla
If you have an offering or promotion that you want to give extra attention to, sometimes a popup is a great way to go. I like the Boxzilla plugin for its simplicity: you create a popup, put whatever content inside it that you want (i.e. text, photos, video, etc.), and choose what pages you want your popup to appear on. That’s it!
4) Post/Page Duplicator
Sometimes you’re creating a new page on your website, and it would save you SO much time to start with another existing page as a template rather than starting from scratch. Enter the Post/Page Duplicator plugin, which allows you to duplicate any page or blog post on your WordPress website with one click, and then edit that duplicated version as needed!
View Post/Page Duplicator Plugin
5) Responsive Pricing Table
You know those fancy pricing tables you often see on websites where they show you three different plan options and the features you get with each i.e. Basic, Silver, and Gold? Whatever your services and offerings look like, creating three tiers of options for your buyer increases the chances that they will sign up. And now you can create your very own pricing table on your website with this easy-to-use plugin. Highly recommended!
View Responsive Pricing Table Plugin
Not sure how to install plugins or need help setting up new features on your website? As always, feel free to reach out. I’m here to help 🙂
Read for even more cool WordPress plugins?
If you liked this post check out these other quick reads on WordPress plugins also from Janelle (that’s me) at Ellanyze:
My 10 All-time Favorite WordPress Plugins!
The Best WordPress Plugins for SEO and Better Page Ranking