
The Best WordPress Plugins for SEO and Better Page Ranking

How do more website visitors and a higher page rank on Google sound to you?

Pretty good, I’m guessing 😉

Well, the truth is, if you have a WordPress website, there are some things you can do NOW that will help in these areas.

The three plugins below all have free versions and will make your site more attractive in the eyes of those enigmatic Google gods. If you don’t have a Google Analytics account to gauge your progress, I recommend setting one up! (it’s free)

W3 Total Cache Plugin is a best wordpress plugins for SEO

1) W3 Total Cache

If you read the description of this WordPress plugin, beware: you will undoubtedly see a lot of mumbo jumbo tech words that make no sense. But guess what? You don’t have to understand how electricity works to be able to benefit from it, and this is no different. This plugin offers caching capabilities and also minifies your code which both equal faster speed and therefore a higher page rank on Google. Bam!

View the W3 Total Cache Plugin

Smush Image Optimization Plugin is a best wordpress plugins for SEO

2) Smush Image Optimization

Did you know you can speed up your website in a major way just by optimizing all of your site’s images? Additionally, this plugin’s “lazy load” feature allows your images to load as a user scrolls down the page rather than all at once, giving you a page loading time boost as well. Bam!

View the Smush Image Optimization Plugin

Yoast SEO for Everyone Plugin is a best wordpress plugins for SEO

3) Yoast SEO

You may have noticed that when you do a search on Google, each website that comes up has both a title and a meta description. With the Yoast plugin, you can set custom SEO titles and meta descriptions for not just pages on your website, but also posts, categories, authors, and tags. When your website is missing not-a-one single meta description, Google favors you big time, so it’s worth taking the time to do so. Bam!

View the Yoast SEO Plugin

Setting up the best WordPress plugins for SEO doesn’t have to be hard, but it’s not for everyone.

If the above intrigues you, but also overwhelms you, ask me about my SEO Power Boost Package. It includes installation and configuration of all of the above, plus lots more.

You want to rest assured knowing that your website has all the foundational pieces for good SEO in place. I can help with this.

Just drop me a line if you’re curious to learn more.

And for more posts on SEO from Janelle at Ellanyze, check out these other quick reads:

5 Easy Ways to Improve Your SEO

Why Do You Need SSL? Here’s Why

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Janelle Reichman, web designer in Ann Arbor Michigan

Janelle is a blogger, web designer, WordPress queen, dog mama, singer-songwriter, guitarist, Michigander, and lover of life. Read her story...

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