Marketing Overwhelm: 3 Smart Tips to Avoid Burnout
Marketing overwhelm is real, and all too common. This entrepreneurship game is a marathon, not a sprint, so it’s imperative […]
How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome: 5 Things to Try Right Now
The key of how to overcome imposter syndrome comes down to naming it, recognizing it, and taking control. Imposter Syndrome […]
5 Things to Do Before Bed to Get More Zzzzs
These 5 things to do before bed will help you sleep better and wake up feeling more rested and ready […]
The People Pleaser’s Cure: Why It’s Ok Not to Be Liked
Do you consider yourself a highly likable person? Can you get along with almost anyone? Do you enjoy a life […]
5 Simple Self Care Tips
Add a little self-care to your routine this December: 5 tips. For some, December is the most joyous of all […]
Get Inspired and Get Moving!
All too often when we’re feeling unmotivated and uninspired in our work, we wait for a change to miraculously come […]
5 Steps to Making Difficult Choices Without Regret
Do you remember the last time you had to make a really difficult choice? If it was recently, then you […]
Letting Go of Perfectionism
I’m performing tomorrow night with my band at a local jazz festival in my city, and you know what? I’m […]
Your Life or Your Inbox: 3 Tips
Can you remember life before email? I’m 35 years old and very thankful that I can. It was a simpler, […]