Take Control of Your Time
Do you ever feel like time is in control of you instead of the other way around? This is exactly […]
What is a work funnel?
Have you ever given any real thought to how you get work? If you trace backward and consider each step […]
Public Speaking 101
Public speaking is a powerful way to build any business. Not only does it establish you as an expert, but […]
5 Easy Ways to Save Money
I’ve noticed that any blog posts I write related to saving money are always a hit – so here’s another […]
Build Your Vocabulary: 5 Tips
Why do people long to learn new words? Some people want to sound smarter. Other people are simply lovers of […]
Working with a Designer: Get the Results You Want!
Back in 2011 when I released my first solo jazz album (here it is if you’re curious), I hadn’t yet […]
Networking for Introverts
The networking introvert. Now there’s an oxymoron if I ever heard one. If you’re an introvert like I am – […]
The Hidden Treasures of Gmail
Most people who use Gmail love it, and for good reason. It has a clean user interface, it does an […]
10 Things You Didn’t Know Your Mac Could Do
If you’re a proud Mac owner, I’ve got some great news for you. You already know your computer is awesome […]