Get Inspired and Get Moving!
All too often when we’re feeling unmotivated and uninspired in our work, we wait for a change to miraculously come […]
The Simple Power of “Thank You”
As cheesy as it sounds, I’ve always cherished the minutes preceding my family’s yearly Thanksgiving meal during which we go […]
The Perfect Contact Page
Your website’s contact page. In the end, it’s what your entire website comes down to. After all, the reason you […]
Bust Through that Business Lull!
Oh, the entrepreneurial life – one moment we’re trying with all our might to keep our heads above water, and […]
3 Reasons to Start With Why
Business owners are entering into a new paradigm: one in which we are encouraged to talk not just about what […]
Put Your Personality into Your Business!
Did you ever hear about the New Jersey pediatric dentist who went viral when he started performing magic tricks for […]
5 Steps to Making Difficult Choices Without Regret
Do you remember the last time you had to make a really difficult choice? If it was recently, then you […]
Letting Go of Perfectionism
I’m performing tomorrow night with my band at a local jazz festival in my city, and you know what? I’m […]
Your Life or Your Inbox: 3 Tips
Can you remember life before email? I’m 35 years old and very thankful that I can. It was a simpler, […]