

a bucket of paintbrushes

Get Inspired and Get Moving!

All too often when we’re feeling unmotivated and uninspired in our work, we wait for a change to miraculously come […]

hand holding a thank you card and bouquet of flowers

The Simple Power of “Thank You”

As cheesy as it sounds, I’ve always cherished the minutes preceding my family’s yearly Thanksgiving meal during which we go […]

pile of envelopes

The Perfect Contact Page

Your website’s contact page. In the end, it’s what your entire website comes down to. After all, the reason you […]

empty desk with a closed laptop

Bust Through that Business Lull!

Oh, the entrepreneurial life – one moment we’re trying with all our might to keep our heads above water, and […]

compass laying on a wood table

3 Reasons to Start With Why

Business owners are entering into a new paradigm: one in which we are encouraged to talk not just about what […]

woman dancing joyously

Put Your Personality into Your Business!

Did you ever hear about the New Jersey pediatric dentist who went viral when he started performing magic tricks for […]

yellow door and green door side by side

5 Steps to Making Difficult Choices Without Regret

Do you remember the last time you had to make a really difficult choice? If it was recently, then you […]

clarinet player on a stage with microphone

Letting Go of Perfectionism

I’m performing tomorrow night with my band at a local jazz festival in my city, and you know what? I’m […]

phone laying face down on the bed

Your Life or Your Inbox: 3 Tips

Can you remember life before email? I’m 35 years old and very thankful that I can. It was a simpler, […]

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