

video background on website

Get Your Website “Ultra-Hip” With Video Backgrounds: 3 Tips

Background video is a great way to add movement, visual interest, and modern flair to your website. Here are three tips to make sure you reap the rewards while avoiding common pitfalls.

for hire sign

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Taking on a Client

How can we make sure we end up working with clients who are truly a good fit for us and our services – and politely pass on the ones who aren’t? Let these five questions be your guide.

Forgive Yourself – Instantly

Sometimes the most important person we need forgiveness from is ourself.

quote on the window of a boxing studio

12 Stories of Failure Before Success That Will Inspire You

Just imagine what these 12 highly-known individuals would have missed out on if they’d given up after they failed. Instead, they persevered and found their way to success.

person browsing stock photo website

Choosing Photos? Avoid These 4 Pitfalls

Within the entire process of putting your website together, choosing your photos has got to be one of the most fun parts. But before you get lost in the excitement of choosing your images, make sure to steer clear of these four common pitfalls.

sorry we're closed sign hanging in a shop window

6 Ways to Create Boundaries in Your Business That Take Care of YOU

We’ve all been guilty from time to time of trying to please our clients – at the expense of our own mental health. These six practices for creating boundaries in your business will help you take good care of yourself in the future.

woman playing a musical keyboard

The 5 Steps to Commit to Something You Want to Be Doing (and Aren’t)

Almost all of us have something in life that we very much desire to do but just aren’t. Below are five ways to commit to making that vision a reality once and for all.

woman at laptop looking overwhelmed

5 Signs Your Website Might Be Overwhelming Your Visitors

Hands on their head in distress is NOT exactly what you’re hoping people will do while visiting your website, right? Below are five signs your website might be overwhelming your website – and what to do about it.

stack of manuals

Breathe a Sigh of Relief With These 3 Decluttering Apps I Love

Ideas and creativity can flow so much easier when we’re in a clean and uncluttered space. If you’re looking to minimize the amount of stuff in your workspace or home, these three apps are a fantastic place to start.

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