
The 5 Biggest Website Mistakes

What are the biggest website mistakes that people make? Read on to find out.

dropped ice cream cone on the pavement

Marketing experts love to talk all day long about what you should DO on your website. Have photos of this! Make sure and mention this! Whatever you do, don’t forget about this!

It’s exhausting.

So today, I’m going to keep things simple. The five biggest website mistakes that almost everyone makes, here for you, so you don’t have to.

1) The top of your homepage does not communicate what you do and how you help.

Ever visit someone’s website and poke around for a few minutes, only to remain totally confused about what exactly it is they do? Don’t be that person. What do you do, and how do you help? Put it up there, front and center, and say it in a way that feels good to you.

2) Your website is not mobile friendly.

How can you tell if your website is mobile friendly? Enter your website URL into this free Mobile-Friendly Test by Google to know for sure. Wondering how to get mobile? Working with a professional web designer to make sure your website provides an optimum experience for mobile users is one way, or choose a mobile-friendly template on your DIY website builder of choice is another.

3) Your homepage has too much stuff on it.

I always tell my clients, if you put everything that matters to you on your homepage, nobody is going to notice any of it. What’s most important in your business this month? This week? This day? Feature that. The beauty of a website is that it’s never written in stone. Keep things simple, choose your “above the fold” text and photos wisely, and your content will pack more of a punch.

4) It takes more than four seconds for your website to load.

Amazingly, if your website takes more than four seconds to load, the chances that someone will click away from your website without ever leaving the homepage increases by 90%. Wowsers! While you can work to your heart’s content by optimizing photos or minimizing plugins, I’ve found that the easiest way to address site load speed is by choosing a good hosting company in the first place. Here’s the one I love.

5) Your contact info is hard to find.

Make it easy – crazy easy – for people to contact you. A few ideas: making sure the word “Contact” is in your navigation, listing your contact info in the header and/or footer of your website, or having a contact form right on your homepage.

Interesting in more Ellanyze posts on this topic? Try My Favorite Website Mistake (hint: it’s none of these!) or The Perfect Contact Page.

Thanks for reading!

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Janelle Reichman, web designer in Ann Arbor Michigan

Janelle is a blogger, web designer, WordPress queen, dog mama, singer-songwriter, guitarist, Michigander, and lover of life. Read her story...

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