
Your Untapped Superpower: 5 Positive Body Language Examples

These positive body language examples are your untapped superpower – they will take your communication skills to the next level.

body language secrets untapped superpower

Did you know that 93% of all daily communication is nonverbal?

It’s true. In 1971, Dr. Albert Mehrabian conducted several studies on communication and found that for any message, 38% is communicated through vocal elements, 55% is communicated through nonverbal elements, and only 7% is communicated through actual words.

These positive body language examples will allow you to better communicate with others – and with yourself.

Consider this: recalling the last time you ran into a friend around town, think about the words that were exchanged. Most likely you asked each other how you were doing and caught up a bit on what you’ve both been up to. Now consider this: how would that exchange have felt different if your friend hadn’t smiled once during the entire interaction and stared at the ground? Probably you’d be either really worried or really offended!

The overwhelming majority of both what you communicate to others and what you perceive about those around you happens nonverbally.

Read on to learn how you can harness the power of body language and equip yourself to better communicate not only with others but with yourself as well!

Looking to feel more confident? Do a power pose.

Many of us were downright astonished after watching Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk “Your body language may shape who you are.” In her talk, Amy revealed that the positions we make with our body shape both how other people see us, and how we see ourselves (proven by scientific studies). If you want to feel more confident and powerful in any situation, take a look at these power poses to try. My personal favorite? Wonder Woman all the way. Power poses are undeniably one of the strongest examples of positive body language.

amy cuddy wonder woman poster power pose standing strong with arms crossed

Looking to boost participation? Listen actively.

You know you’re a great listener – but when you visibly show others just how engaged you are, they will participate more and speak up. How to show you’re listening? Turning your body and head towards them, making eye contact, leaning forward, and nodding are all great ways. And of course, whatever you do, try not to look at your phone while they’re speaking.

Looking to connect with someone? Mirror their body language.

Although it may sound a bit creepy, almost all of us naturally and subconsciously mirror others when we’re in total agreement with them. If you observe a person’s facial and body gestures and then subtly take them on yourself, you will make that person feel accepted, heard, and understood.

Looking to feel better? Smile!

As it turns out, the saying “fake it until you make it” exists for a reason. Even if you’re not feeling your best, putting on the most authentic and real smile you can muster will generate good feelings inside of you – not to mention communicate to those around you that you are friendly, trustworthy, and approachable.

smiling confident open warm woman

Looking to make friends? Uncross your arms.

Crossing your arms is one of the best ways to communicate to others that you want to be left alone and don’t trust those around you. On the flip side, standing or sitting with open arms conveys openness and warmth. The next time you find yourself crossing your arms protectively at an event where you don’t know anyone (and are probably feeling vulnerable for a reason) try uncrossing them. You may feel better, and become more likely to be approached by someone new.

And if you’re looking for more…

For more from Janelle (hey that’s me!) at Ellanyze on improving relationships, you also might enjoy How to Have Better Conversations or Feeling Disconnected From People? These 5 Remedies Will Help.

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Janelle Reichman, web designer in Ann Arbor Michigan

Janelle is a blogger, web designer, WordPress queen, dog mama, singer-songwriter, guitarist, Michigander, and lover of life. Read her story...

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