
15 Creative Prompts For a Stellar “About Me” Page

Why is it that for most business owners, their “About Me” page is one of the top-visited pages on their website?

It’s because before people work with you, before they collaborate with you, and before they entrust you with a really, really important thing that they deeply care about – they want to know you.

Sadly, most business owners miss out on a huge opportunity when it comes to writing their About Me Page. Instead of seizing the chance to share a piece of themselves with their readers, they instead type out some generic summary of their company and services, plop it in place, and call it a day.

This post will aim to change all that <3

Never forget that your clients love you not JUST because you’re incredible at what you do, but also because they like you as a person. They appreciate that you’re dynamic, interesting, creative, and have a totally unique story. This is exactly what you want to convey on your About Me page.

These 15 creative prompts for your About Me page are a wonderful place to start.

Look at them as a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure-Story. Choose the 5 or so that speak to you most and run with them. Enjoy!

What’s on my desk – A photo? A fidget-spinner? Some artwork you love? What’s on your desk tells people more about you than you might think.

Favorite Quote – A quote from someone you deeply admire is a wonderful way to tell your visitors about what you value most.

My favorite hobby as a kid – What we loved when we were young often shows up in our adult lives in ways we least expect. What did you love most when you were young? Does it at all relate to what you do now?

Three favorite words – This is a perfect opportunity to convey to people your favorite things in the world – be they objects, concepts, or ideas.

I geek out on – What are you obsessed with when you’re not working (or when you are)? Comic books? Cats? Woodworking? Gardening? Something else?

How I got here – People always underestimate how interesting their stories are. Only YOU started where you did and ended up where you are. How did you find your way to your business?

The theme song for my life – Tell people what song represents you, and also why. What lyric in particular paints the picture of your life?

People are surprised to learn about me – We all have something about ourselves that is totally unexpected. For example, a lot of my clients don’t realize I’m an aspiring singer-songwriter in my after-work hours. What are people always surprised to learn about you?

Favorite day of my life so far – Your happiest memory of life is a wonderful way to share a piece of yourself with your readers.

Favorite thing about my job – What about your work with your clients REALLY fires you up most of all?

The story behind my business name – If you have an unusual business name (as I do), I’m guessing there’s a great story there. And your readers will definitely want to know it.

What I wanted to be when I grew up – Often the careers we aspire to as children are light and day from what we do now. I wanted to be a veterinarian until I realized it didn’t mean I’d just get to play with animals all day long 🙂

What makes me happiest – Whether it’s a hot cup of Joe in the morning, the sound of your children laughing, or your favorite music artist – your happiest things in life are a wonderful way to tell people about who you are.

Favorite place on earth – Maybe it’s where you vacation every summer? Or maybe it’s simply where you go when you’re feeling blue?

Why I started this business – Nothing beats your reason for why you decided to serve others in this way. Your personal why is a true gem to your website visitors – don’t ever forget it.

Some Great About Me Page Examples

Pearl Planning Team Members – The women at Pearl Planning used some of the prompts above on their website, and it makes for a truly awesome set of team member bio pages!

Melissa J White & Facing Pages Book Services – Melissa tells the story of how she fell in love with books from a very young page.

Looking for more?

If you liked this post, here are some other quick reads from Janelle (that’s me!) at Ellanyze:

Put Your Personality into Your Business!

Your Personal Brand: 3 Subtle But Powerful Ways to Step It Up

What Makes Your Business Unique: Uncover the Uncommon in You

2 thoughts on “15 Creative Prompts For a Stellar “About Me” Page”

  1. Your blogs are really wonderful Janelle ! I continue to appreciate these little bits of gold you offer to people. Thanks so much – hope you are well and surviving the madness . . . . . ! All the best to you in 2022.


    1. Happy New Year Peter! It brings a smile to my face to know that you still read these from time to time 🙂 Thank you for keeping in touch and I hope all is well in your world!

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Meet Janelle

Janelle Reichman, web designer in Ann Arbor Michigan

Janelle is a blogger, web designer, WordPress queen, dog mama, singer-songwriter, guitarist, Michigander, and lover of life. Read her story...

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