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celebrate new years your way

New Year’s Choose Your Own Adventure

How will you ring in the new year? Take 10 minutes, pick one of these five ideas, and do what works for YOU. I’m a big believer in the idea that....
a neatly wrapped gift next to a succulent plant

How to Be a Gift Giving Superstar

If you don’t want to be known as a gift-giving rockstar, you probably shouldn’t read this blog post about 5 ways to level up your....
person downloading the WordPress mobile app from a tablet

5 Big WordPress No-Nos

Do you have a WordPress website? If so, then whatever you do, don’t do this πŸ™‚ It’s no secret that I love WordPress. With its tremendous....
woman getting kisses from her dog

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

The best (and highly underrated) part of missing a thing is how sweet it will be when at last you’re reunited. Earlier this month I was apart....
woman in the pool

Got Community?

Where you find community doesn’t matter in the slightest, as long as when you’re there, you feel you belong. Longing to Belong For as long....
excited fans at a concert

You Can Make Your Own Rules

How one of my favorite bands taught me that all rules are meant to be rewritten when the need arises. Last year I got an email from a band I follow....
gold star stickers

You Deserve a Gold Star

The gold star method you *may* remember from kindergarten is making a comeback. Here’s why as adults we deserve gold stars now more than ever....

5 Easy (& Ethical) Ways to Use ChatGPT at Work

Have you struggled with knowing exactly how to use ChatGPT? Fear not! Here are five easy ways you can use it at work to save yourself time (and....
brain cloud

5 Ways to Handle that “Can I Pick Your Brain?” Request

Someone aspiring to do what you do asks if you’d be willing to get together and talk about it. What do you do? There’s no right or wrong....
Woman's facial expression extremely displeased

5 Laughably Bad Websites

Ready to laugh? Good, because these five websites are bad – laughably bad. Learn from them what not to do on your own. Have you ever learned how....
road sign with wavy arroow

So, Change of Plans…

When things, erm, take an unexpected turn and you end up having to throw all your plans out the window, how do you deal? I crashed my bike last week....
work peers or colleagues working together laughing

Do You Have Work Peers in Your Life? If Not, You’re Missing Out

Having your own business is great, but it also means you may not have many people in your life who do the same job as you do, or in other words, work....
father walking with young children in a field of poppies on a summer's day

What if These Are “The Good Old Days”?

As you look back on your life and recall your happiest periods, did you in those times realize they were to be your “good old days?”....
unicorn piggy bank with coins

Investing in a New Website? Don’t Skimp on These 3 Things

Working with a pro website designer/developer on your site is an investment, I get it. But if you’re going to make that investment, here are....
talk bubbles with a city

5 Ways to Get More Referrals

If you get most of your new customers from referrals (introductions from past clients) you are not alone! If this is the case for you, here are five....
woman waiting at a table being ghosted

Ghosting: Can We Stop Once And For All?

While at times ghosting a person can admittedly feel like the path of least resistance, the truth is, it leaves a mess in its wake for both parties....
people walking at street art fair

Mom’s Guide to Knowing When to Take Something Home

How can you tell when it’s time to invite something into your life and take it home with you? Here’s what Mom has to say, and as we all....
pencil writing sorry

Don’t Say “Sorry”

It’s important to say “sorry” when you truly want to apologize to someone for something you did. But for goodness sake, let’s....
dog at a computer wearing glasses

3 Websites I *LOVE* and Why

As a professional web designer, it’s pretty rare that I stumble upon a website in my own personal life that I LOVE. But it does happen and when....
a woman resting in a chair on the beach reading a book

The Business Owner’s Guide to Summer Vacation: 8 Essential Tips

When you’re a business owner, taking a vacation can require a bit more … finesse and planning πŸ™‚ Below are 8 tips for making the most of....
Ragbirds website screenshot

A Little Website Refresh Can Go a Looooong Way

If your shiny new website is now a few years old, don’t forget that a little TLC from your web designer can go a long, long way πŸ™‚ The Forgotten....
man repairing a car

When You Learn What *Not* To Do

Sometimes we learn how to be amazing service providers from having amazing models, and then, sometimes, we learn how to be great from seeing what NOT....
a woman walking into the ocean in her bathing suit

What Have You Grown “Too Old” For?

This blog might not be about what you *think* it’s about. What have you grown too old for? Whatever it is, name it, claim it, and then let it....
what do you say when a prospect asks if you can go down in price?

5 Answers to the Question β€œAre You Able to Go Down in Price?”

When you send a prospect your proposal and they answer with “I’m afraid that’s out of my budget. Are you able to go down in....
an empty bench at sunrise

A Lesson in Patience

Is there something in your life you’ve made a deadline for that doesn’t actually need one? Getting a Move On … Or Not Early last....
person dialing on an old rotary phone

Website Contact Forms 101: Must-Have Tips + Examples We Love

Do you have a contact form on your website? If so you’re in luck – because you’re about to get five tips for upping your conversion....
a car gaining more and more speed - the blurry view of movement out the window

The Power of Momentum (& Making It Work for You)

If you ever struggle with procrastination or motivation (in other words if you’re a normal person), the power of momentum could be the secret to....
outside the box thinking

Think Outside the Box

I recently witnessed someone do something completely outside the box on her website, and it kind of knocked my socks off. Last week I was chatting....
confused dog

Know Your Stuff? That’s Great … Just Remember They Don’t!

One of the easiest mistakes to make as a business owner is forgetting how MUCH you know and how WELL you know it, and then talking to your clients in....
two girls relaxing in a hammock

Rituals: A Wonderful Way to Get More of the Good Stuff in Life

Are there things in your life that you wish you had more of? Make them a ritual, and that’s exactly what you’ll get. I have a friend with....

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