

isolated cabin in the woods

The Secret to Productivity? Be a Hermit (For a Little While)

When it comes down to it, the true key to productivity is to be a hermit (for a little while anyway). It’s the beautiful simplicity of cutting yourself off from the world and getting something accomplished. Here’s how to start.

Sprouts growing in soil

The 5 Smartest Investments to Make in Your Business

In a world where there is someone who’ll do just about ANYTHING for you, it’s easy for our expenses to quickly get out of control. But here are five investments to make in your business that you’ll NEVER regret.

web design trends 2022

Web Design Trends Coming in 2022

What web design trends are coming up in the new year ahead? Read on to find out…

a woman thinking and looking at the mountains

What were your favorite parts of 2021?

It doesn’t have to take more than five minutes. Before we rush into 2022, let’s stop and take a moment to remember our favorite parts of this year we’re leaving behind.


A Holiday Gift From Me to You

I hope you’ll enjoy this spiced nuts recipe that my family has been making for years. It’s become one of my most favorite parts of the holiday season!

spice up your website

Website Feeling Stagnant? 5 Ways to Spice Things Up

If you’re guilty of having let your website “just sit there” for months (or even years!) you are definitely not alone. Enjoy these five ways you can breathe new life into your business’s home on the web.

woman with dustpan

Meet the “App Sweep”: An Awesome Way to Save & Simplify

Do you know exactly what apps you’re paying for and what they amount to each year? An “app sweep” is a great way to get clear on what apps you actually NEED in your business and then cancel the ones you don’t.


Things to Do On Thanksgiving Day: 10 Fun & Creative Traditions

These 10 creative ideas for things to do on Thanksgiving Day are sure to give your family something NEW to do this year. Which one will you try?

cupcake with candle

On My 38th Birthday, 38 Things I Love About Life (in no particular order)

Have you ever tried, on your birthday, writing down all the things you love about your wild and crazy life?

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