
Learn to Bookmark Like a PRO & Change Your Life

Does the following ever happen to you?

You wake up, make a cup of coffee, and mozy over to your computer. You sit down and refresh your inbox.

Scanning the emails there, you see your friend published a new post on her blog. This looks like a good one, but you aren’t in the headspace to read it just now, so you leave the email there for later.

Next, you spot an email from your TedX mailing list. Today’s featured video has 5.2M views and has apparently changed countless lives. Clearly a must-watch … but not right now. It’s a little too early for life-changing videos. You leave the email there for later.

Following that, you spot your weekly summary email from your favorite news site. There’s an opinion piece on the war in Ukraine that piques your interest but –  OH! Look at the time! – you’d better get in the shower. So once again, you leave the email there for later.

If this sounds familiar, well, that makes total sense! This is the world we live in. A continuous onslaught of information is headed straight for you morning, noon, and night.

And the problem is, a lot of it is GOOD. A lot of it you genuinely DO want to check out – just not right now. Later.

So in summary, if you’re someone who either a) has thousands of emails in your inbox as “reminders” that you want to check out those articles/blogs/videos at some later point or b) has about a gazillion bookmarked links in your web browser that will probably never see the light of day – today’s post is for you 🙂

It’s time to start bookmarking like a PRO. Are you ready?

Step 1: Choose Your Bookmarking App

I myself like Pocket so that’s what I’m recommending in this post (no affiliate links here). You might find another one that works similarly and that’s great! If you do go with Pocket (and yes it’s free), over time all your bookmarked articles, blogs, videos, etc. will show up on your My List page within Pocket in a beautiful arrangement that you can customize i.e. list view or grid view.

Step 2: Get Bookmarking!

You’ll want to install the Pocket extension in your web browser of choice (available on Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Opera) so that from any webpage you want to save for later, you can simply “pocket”  it by clicking on the pocket icon in your browser. Bam, it goes to your My List with one click.

Step 3: Return to Pocket at Your Leisure

Once you start “pocketing” your links before too long you’ll have a beautiful, entirely self-curated, highly interesting collection of cool resources to check out at your leisure when it’s convenient for you to do so. Goodbye, cluttered inbox. Goodbye, hot mess of open tabs. Hello, gorgeous self-created feed of articles that interest YOU and you specifically. It’s truly a wonderful thing.

Oh, and those emails in your inbox? You can delete those. Your in-browser bookmarks and open tabs can go too 🙂

Bookmarking will never be the same!

Other Bookmarking Tools

As I said, Pocket is my personal choice, but other web apps that can be used as bookmarking organization tools are Instapaper, Pinterest, Evernote (Web Clipper), Trello, Bitly, and Mix.

Have fun!

Looking for more?

If you enjoyed this post (yay!) here are some other quick reads from Janelle (that’s me) at Ellanyze on getting your life organized!

Zero Inbox: How to Get it and Make it Last

Your Business Desperately Needs a Weekly “To Do” List – Here’s Why

Best Keyboard Shortcuts: Add Hours to Your Life

Best Apps For Small Business Owners: 10 Ways to Make Life Easier

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Meet Janelle

Janelle Reichman, web designer in Ann Arbor Michigan

Janelle is a blogger, web designer, WordPress queen, dog mama, singer-songwriter, guitarist, Michigander, and lover of life. Read her story...

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