
Writing Copy for Websites: 3 Secret Tricks of the Trade

When you’re writing copy for websites, it helps to have a few pointers from the pros to get you started. These three will do nicely!

blue typewriter writing copy for websites

When we first decide to build a website for our business, we get the MOST excited about the aesthetics of it all: our logo, our fancy new photos, and what fonts and colors we want to use to portray our brand. But then … after all that, there comes a point when it hits us. We think to ourselves with dread…

“Wait, I have to come up with text for every page? Yikes.”

But fear not! It’s not as scary or daunting as you might think – if you’ve got some juicy tricks of the trade to get you started on writing copy for websites.

Before you put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard, consider the following three website copywriting tips. These should get you pointed in the right direction and on your way to the captivating website copy you desire.

1) Ask: “What do I want my website visitor to know or do after viewing this page?”

Each and every page of your website should have a specific goal and purpose. By asking the above question – What do I want my visitor to know or do after viewing this page? – you are writing your page content with INTENTION.

Is your goal for your visitor to feel like they’re getting to know you? View you as an expert in your field? Realize you can truly solve their problem? Or reach out for a consultation? Whatever your page’s end goal, start with that and work backward from there. This way your pages will do what you want them to do instead of having largely accidental or haphazard effects.

2) Make your content skim-able.

People don’t read on the Internet – they skim. To make your website copy more skimmable, break up your text into headings, smaller (sub) headings, short paragraphs, and featured or “call out” pieces of text. And don’t forget the photos, icons, and graphics! Breaking your content into different sections with contrasting background colors and space between will allow your visitors to skim, digest, and better understand the heart of your message.

3) Write the way you speak.

When you speak to a prospective client on a call, you don’t speak stiffly with lots of literary terms – you just speak like you. And when you do the same thing on your website, your copy will come across as conversational and genuine.

Here’s a quick tip: if you’re experiencing writer’s block while trying to come up with page content, write yourself a list of interview questions related to that page’s topic and then record yourself answering those questions. You may be surprised at what you come up with!

Looking for more help with writing copy for websites?

If you loved this post, check out also from Janelle (hey, that’s me!),Website Content Writing 101: Write Copy That Captivates!

writing copy for websites - woman writing with pencil and paper with coffee mug in background website copy writing tips

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Janelle Reichman, web designer in Ann Arbor Michigan

Janelle is a blogger, web designer, WordPress queen, dog mama, singer-songwriter, guitarist, Michigander, and lover of life. Read her story...

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