
Spring Clean Your Website in 5 Steps

a mop and bucket - spring clean your website

It’s that time of the year again – time for spring cleaning. Here are five ways in which you can spruce up your website, all in the name of springtime.

1) Throw old news in the trash.

Do you know what happens when you leave something in the fridge for too long? Well, the same thing happens when you leave expired news on your website. It stinks. So throw that old news in the trash and let people know what’s happening now. And if you think you don’t have anything newsworthy to report, remember that your news doesn’t have to be that you’ve just won a MacArthur Fellowship. There’s always something happening – it’s all in how you frame it. For example, let people know what you’re working on, or what you’re excited about. If it’s meaningful for you, it will be meaningful for your audience.

2) Replace your photos.

Looking just a little too young in your photos? Or have a haircut that makes you nearly unrecognizable? It’s time for a photo update. I recommend getting new photos at least every five years to keep them current and fresh.

3) Give your colors a mini-makeover.

Been sporting that black and red design for years? Add a splash of yellow. Have a totally black and white theme? Add a little blue. If you’re struggling with what colors might be right for you, take a look at this interesting blog post about the psychology of colors. It might help you make a decision aligned with your brand.

4) Update your “My Story” or “About Me” page.

Read over this page and jot down what parts you still love and what parts need to be updated or deleted entirely. Analytics often show that website visitors read the “About” page very often. They want to know about you! So make sure what they see is current, and aligned with where you are now. For further inspiration, check out my blog post on crafting the perfect bio.

5) Consider ways to further engage your site visitors.

Do you have a strong call-to-action on every page? Do you have a mailing list sign-up with a tempting incentive to join? Do you have a quiz that lets your audience find out their personality type? (Interact Quiz Maker is great for this). Think of ways you can further encourage your website visitors to take action and engage with you.

In conclusion, it’s a good idea to, at least once a year, take a good look at your website and consider what you can add or improve. Happy spring cleaning!

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Janelle Reichman, web designer in Ann Arbor Michigan

Janelle is a blogger, web designer, WordPress queen, dog mama, singer-songwriter, guitarist, Michigander, and lover of life. Read her story...

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