
Endings: A Look On the Brighter Side

Whether it’s the end of the party, the end of a trip, or the end of an era, endings are typically a little on the sad side. And why shouldn’t they be? An ending by definition means that something is coming to a close.

And so it is that after six weeks in Phoenix with my little pup Hudson, our flight home is now just around the corner. I woke up today feeling melancholy and it didn’t take me long to figure out why: this wonderful trip we’ve shared is finally arriving at its conclusion.

While I’m definitely a believer in embracing a melancholy mood when it comes along as opposed to fighting it tooth and nail, I’ve also had some thoughts today about looking on the brighter side of things.

I think it would do us well to remember these points anytime we find ourselves at a thing’s end and feeling blue.

#1: If you feel sad, that means you had something truly good.

If faced with the choice of feeling a little sad to head home because we’ve had such a great trip or feeling purely happy to leave because we’ve had such a rotten time, I think most of us would choose the former, don’t you agree? So just remember, if you’re sad at a thing’s end, it means you had something truly good, and that’s something to be happy about.

#2: Recall the best of times.

It’s hard to feel sad when we recall our happiest memories, and this trip is no exception. A dear friend I hadn’t seen in years flew down from Washington and we had the best of times. I spent countless afternoons reading in the courtyard with little Hudson in my lap, listening to the birds and the wind in the trees. I attended an evening concert on the lawn, just one of many unforgettable experiences that inspired me to write a new song while I’ve been here. Mainly, as it is anytime I take a trip with my dog, I feel deeply bonded with him and that’s a special thing. So when you’re faced with an ending, don’t forget to recall those best of times.

#3: What good stuff is happening next?

Another great antidote for feeling sad about an ending is looking ahead to what good stuff is coming next. As we’re counting down the days to our flight home, I can’t help but be excited about seeing all the people I’ve missed! It has also helped me to look on my calendar for what fun things I have coming up (in my post The Beauty of Looking Forward I talk about why it’s important to always have fun things coming up – and this is a perfect example).

In Closing

Endings can be a melancholy time, which is totally natural. But also, remembering the above can help to temper this sadness and keep things in perspective. So certainly, do feel sad that a good thing is coming to an end, but also remember to feel happy that you had a truly good thing and know that more good things are on their way <3

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Janelle Reichman, web designer in Ann Arbor Michigan

Janelle is a blogger, web designer, WordPress queen, dog mama, singer-songwriter, guitarist, Michigander, and lover of life. Read her story...

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