

tax returns with calculator and pen

Preparing for Tax Day

As we all scramble to get our financial lives documented and organized by the looming April 15th, I thought I’d […]

hands holding up a paper heart in the sunlight

Love – Pass it on!

Do you remember the last time someone did something really nice for you for no reason at all? How did […]

magnifying glass over the Google logo

How to Find Anything Online

It’s fairly often that as I’m speaking with someone about website stuff, I’m asked, “How do you know all this […]

hand holding a wad of cash

How to Start Charging MORE!

The reality about being an entrepreneur is that no one is going to offer to pay us more money or […]

lock on a door

The Great Password Conundrum

What’s your password management “system”? If you’re like most people then it’s probably one of the following: Constantly resetting your […]

person holding a camera

Walk Away From a Photoshoot Happy

If you’re like most people, then the word that comes to mind when you think of having a photoshoot is […]

laptop with a totally pink screen

Why Your DIY Website is Holding You Back

The problem with entrepreneurs is that they think they can do everything themselves. This is probably because building a business […]

barcode symbol with a pencil

Eight Ways to Develop a Strong Personal Brand

What is a brand? Many people think that your brand is simply the aesthetic side of your business – meaning […]

person helping another person up a mountain

Why You Need a Personal Coach

Whether you’re working with a life coach, dating coach, health coach, or another kind of coach – they all have […]

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