Think Outside the Box
I recently witnessed someone do something completely outside the box on her website, and it kind of knocked my socks off.
Know Your Stuff? That’s Great … Just Remember They Don’t!
One of the easiest mistakes to make as a business owner is forgetting how MUCH you know and how WELL you know it, and then talking to your clients in words or at a speed they don’t understand.
Rituals: A Wonderful Way to Get More of the Good Stuff in Life
Are there things in your life that you wish you had more of? Make them a ritual, and that’s exactly what you’ll get.
Waiting for an Answer? Take Care of Yourself: 3 Ways
When you’re waiting for an answer … especially from someone you submitted a proposal to – the waiting can be excruciating! Here are three ways to take care of yourself while you await that reply.
3 Creative Ways to Use E-Commerce on Your Website
What’s that you say? You’re not an “E-Commerce” business? Not so fast. After you read about these three creative ways to make money on your website, you just might change your tune.
The Beauty of Looking Forward
At this moment, do you have something to look forward to? If not, let’s change that – and here’s why.
Your 2 Untapped Superpowers for Sales Calls & Interviews
How do you think you come across during interviews or calls with prospective clients? Regardless of what is talked about, there are two unspoken things coming across whether you realize it or not. Here’s how to turn them into your superpowers.
Perseverance at Its Finest: The 1 Secret to Not Giving Up
When someone perseveres through all obstacles to achieve their vision, what is their secret? I’ll tell you.
It’s All in the Details: 5 “Little Things” That Matter BIG Time in Business
We all know what the BIG things are in business owner life, such as providing top-notch service for your customers. But what often doesn’t get talked about are the little things, and those matter too. A lot.