
What Have You Grown “Too Old” For?

A Perfect Day … for Worrying?

It was the day we’d long been waiting for: the first lake day of the season. We arrived in mid-morning to claim our favorite spot, laid out our towels and blankets, liberally lathered ourselves in sunscreen, and prepared to relax – big time.

As we stretched out, I confessed to my girlfriend that I wasn’t yet sure if I felt totally comfortable with my new swimsuit’s level of “skimpiness.”

“Oh?” she replied. “Janelle, we’re 40. We’re too old to be worrying about that s*** anymore.”

I laughed and then, of course, realized that she was absolutely right.

Too Old for This

As I approach my 40th birthday this fall, it occurs to me that perhaps the best thing about growing old enough to have put not one but multiple decades behind you is that with each one, you realize you’ve become “too old” for a great many things and simply let them go. And boy does it feel good.

Things like worrying about how you look in your swimsuit at the beach.

Things like fretting over someone not liking you.

Things like obsessing about it all being “perfect.”

Things like spending time with people who bring you down.

Things like not going after what you want in life out of fear.

Hear me when I say: we’re too old for that stuff!

Your Turn

What have you grown too old for?

And more importantly, what might you need a gentle reminder that you’ve grown too old for?

Whatever it is, name it, claim it, and then simply let it go 🙂

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Meet Janelle

Janelle Reichman, web designer in Ann Arbor Michigan

Janelle is a blogger, web designer, WordPress queen, dog mama, singer-songwriter, guitarist, Michigander, and lover of life. Read her story...

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