
3 Critical Post-Project Actions Almost Everyone Forgets

You’ve finally reached the finish line. You’ve crossed every t, dotted every i, and the project for your latest client is DONE!

So now it’s moving on with life, right?

Not so fast. These three post-project actions (that almost everyone forgets) are crucial to your continued relationship with that person, and as we all know, relationships are the bread and butter of any business. They’re what will allow your business to truly flourish over time.

So for them, for you, and for your business as a whole, make yourself a checklist with the following three items, and create a habit of doing these things at the end of every single project you complete. You’ll be oh-so-glad you did.

Show Your Gratitude

You and I both know just how grateful you are to your client for choosing you as their trusted service provider. But do they know? Do they really know? The end of a project is the perfect time to shower them with gratitude. You can do it with a hand-written card, a bouquet of flowers, a thoughtful gift certificate, or something else – the possibilities are endless! For some ideas to get you started, check out Creative Ways to Say Thank You: 10 Unique Ideas.

Thank the Referrer

Often by the end of a project, we’ve completely forgotten who sent us that client in the first place. But now is the time to think back and remember. Just as you’re getting into the habit of showing (in a tangible way) your gratitude to your client, do the same for the person who sent you that client. Whatever shape your gratitude takes, remember to let them know in crystal clear terms that you so APPRECIATE their referring you. They’ll feel good, and they’ll also be more likely to do it again in the future 😉 It’s a win-win.

Ask For a Review

When do you think a client is most likely to write you a dynamite review: immediately after you’ve just delivered them the goods, or several months later when their memory of working with you isn’t quite so vivid? The answer is clear, so seize the day!

Shortly after your client has received their post-project gift or card, send them a brief email asking for a review. Make it short and sweet: tell them that people seeing how happy your past clients are is the main way you get new business, and give them a few leading questions to get started i.e. What did you most appreciate about me during our work together? Don’t forget to include a direct link to your Google Business page (or wherever you choose to gather reviews). If you’re wondering how to generate a link to your Google Review Page, here’s how.

In Closing

It’s relationships that make a business really sparkle and shine, and the three post-project actions above will help to keep your relationships toasty and warm, just the way you want them. Gratitude makes everyone feel good: the person giving it and the person receiving it. So share the love! And then, don’t be afraid to ask for a review in return 🙂

Looking for more?

For more quick reads on creating amazing client relationships in your business, check out these other posts from Janelle (that’s me) at Ellanyze:

Make Your Clients L-O-V-E You: 5 Ways to Rock Their World

Business Bliss: The 5 Signs of an Outstanding Professional Relationship

5 Keys to Successful Client Relationships: This Will Change Everything

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Meet Janelle

Janelle Reichman, web designer in Ann Arbor Michigan

Janelle is a blogger, web designer, WordPress queen, dog mama, singer-songwriter, guitarist, Michigander, and lover of life. Read her story...

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