Happy Valentine’s Day to ME
Hey, it’s Valentine’s Day. And despite what the mass media might be telling you, what’s the most important thing on this day (and every day)? To love yourself.
Congrats! … Now What?
Why is it that when we finally achieve something we’ve been working toward for so long, it can sometimes feel anticlimactic?
Haiku Yourself to Contentment
The next time you’re feeling one way and would prefer to feel another, try the “haiku yourself to contentment” method.
Who Gets to Enter Your VIP Area?
Never forget that the best part of owning your own business is that YOU get to decide who can enter your realm and who doesn’t make the cut.
New Year’s Choose Your Own Adventure
How will you ring in the new year? Take 10 minutes, pick one of these five ideas, and do what works for YOU.
You Deserve a Gold Star
The gold star method you *may* remember from kindergarten is making a comeback. Here’s why as adults we deserve gold stars now more than ever.
So, Change of Plans…
When things, erm, take an unexpected turn and you end up having to throw all your plans out the window, how do you deal?
The Business Owner’s Guide to Summer Vacation: 8 Essential Tips
When you’re a business owner, taking a vacation can require a bit more … finesse and planning 🙂 Below are 8 tips for making the most of your vacation so you can rest up and also return to work feeling calm, collected, and most of all, on top of things.
What Have You Grown “Too Old” For?
This blog might not be about what you *think* it’s about. What have you grown too old for? Whatever it is, name it, claim it, and then let it go.