New Year’s Choose Your Own Adventure
How will you ring in the new year? Take 10 minutes, pick one of these five ideas, and do what works for YOU.
How to Be a Gift Giving Superstar
If you don’t want to be known as a gift-giving rockstar, you probably shouldn’t read this blog post about 5 ways to level up your gift-giving game big time 😉
5 Big WordPress No-Nos
Do you have a WordPress website? If so, then whatever you do, don’t do this 🙂
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
The best (and highly underrated) part of missing a thing is how sweet it will be when at last you’re reunited.
Got Community?
Where you find community doesn’t matter in the slightest, as long as when you’re there, you feel you belong.
You Can Make Your Own Rules
How one of my favorite bands taught me that all rules are meant to be rewritten when the need arises.
You Deserve a Gold Star
The gold star method you *may* remember from kindergarten is making a comeback. Here’s why as adults we deserve gold stars now more than ever.
5 Easy (& Ethical) Ways to Use ChatGPT at Work
Have you struggled with knowing exactly how to use ChatGPT? Fear not! Here are five easy ways you can use it at work to save yourself time (and don’t worry – you don’t have to feel bad about it either).
5 Ways to Handle that “Can I Pick Your Brain?” Request
Someone aspiring to do what you do asks if you’d be willing to get together and talk about it. What do you do? There’s no right or wrong answer, but just know that if you go, you’ll be giving away the goods for free.