
“What Should I Blog About?” 20 Ideas to Get You Started

How often do business owners hear that they need to be blogging? ALL. THE. TIME.

“Define yourself as an expert!” they say. “Boost your SEO!” they say. “Drive traffic to your website!” they say.

But let’s get one thing straight:

Your first and foremost reason for blogging should be to give valuable and much-needed resources and information to your target market.

Everything on top of that is icing on the cake (even if it’s some really amazing icing).

So as you sit down to blog, put your audience at the front of your mind. What are they dying to know? Are there questions they have that need answering? What do they need desperately?

Herein lies a goldmine of possible blog topics for you to write about.

To get you started, here are 20 fantastic ideas for what you should blog about on your website.

  1. A collection of the top tools or apps for completing a specific task.
  2. The top mistakes that people in your clients’ industry make.
  3. A list of common questions you get from clients, and answers to each.
  4. The lessons you’ve learned in your journey that would apply to your audience.
  5. Seasonal posts: tips to help your audience at a specific time of the year or on a specific holiday.
  6. Go into your process in more depth – really outline each step.
  7. A case study / success story of a client you have worked with.
  8. Your favorite ways to solve problem X.
  9. Inspiration and motivation for your audience.
  10. Current trends: what’s the latest happening in your industry?
  11. What daily practices could help your audience achieve their goals?
  12. Dive deep into an FAQ you get a lot.
  13. Ultimate checklists.
  14. Ways that your audience can make their work more FUN.
  15. Write about your company’s core values and what they mean to you.
  16. Tell your audience how they can be more unique and stand out.
  17. A list of fun facts or statistics in your industry.
  18. A list of inspirational quotes that your audience would appreciate.
  19. Common myths – debunked!
  20. In the news: talk about a recent event in the news and how it relates to your industry.

In Closing: What You Should Blog About Is All About Your Audience

Whatever your goals in blogging (i.e. driving site traffic or gaining search engine visibility), always put your audience at the front of your mind and write about topics that they will enjoy. Once you have a hefty collection of past blog posts, remember that repurposing content is your friend! Don’t be afraid to dig up an older blog post, refresh it, and make it new and relevant again.

Looking for more?

If you enjoyed this post, check out these other quick reads from Janelle (that’s me!) at Ellanyze on maintaining an active blogging presence:

Blogging Tips and Tricks: Create Compelling Posts & Get Them Read

3 Ways to Make Sure Your Blog Posts Get Read

Blog Topic Idea Generation

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Meet Janelle

Janelle Reichman, web designer in Ann Arbor Michigan

Janelle is a blogger, web designer, WordPress queen, dog mama, singer-songwriter, guitarist, Michigander, and lover of life. Read her story...

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