
How to Sell Without Being Pushy or Salesy: It’s All About Mindset

It can be hard to know how to sell without being pushy, especially when selling feels so “icky” for you! However, with just a few mindset shifts, you can turn things around.

How to Sell Without Being Pushy or Salesy hand with a red rose sitting in the palm

For most of us business owners, selling has always felt a bit “icky.” The question of why is a tough nut to crack. In truth, there are many reasons why selling might be difficult for us: we may desperately want to avoid being like the sleazy salespeople who’ve forced products on us in the past, we may have personal barriers around asking for money, or (the big doozie) we may have deep-seated beliefs about whether we’re worth the investment we’re asking for in the first place. So given all that, how do you sell without being pushy or salesy?

The truth is, selling without it feeling pushy or salesy all comes down to your mindset.

My hope is that the following three mindset shifts can help you to let go of the notion of “selling” and begin offering your gifts (which are so desperately needed!) from a place of passion, gratitude, and love.

Mindset Shift #1: Turn the tables around.

Can you recall a time when, after suffering from an issue for a long time, you finally found a miraculous service provider who took away all your pain – and was deeply kind to boot? Never forget that you are this savior to your clients. Quite honestly, you owe it to the people who need you right now not to be bashful about how you can help.

Mindset Shift #2: Talk about your favorite parts.

What do you love most about what you do? What parts of your process get you positively amped up? Talking about the stuff you’re most jazzed about never feels like selling, and it shows people your passion and expertise clear as day.

Mindset Shift #3: Ground yourself in a place of service.

Before any conversation with a prospective customer, try repeating this phrase to yourself a few times and let the words sink in: I am rooted in a place of service. I aim to help this person in whatever way I can. When we focus all of our energy on being of service, fear and worry often realize there’s no room for them and exit the building.

What’s one thing you can do this week to shift your selling mindset and begin offering what you have to give the world from a place of love instead?

PS: If you enjoyed this post, here are a few other quick reads from Janelle (that’s me!) at Ellanyze on similar topics:

Networking for Introverts

The One Huge Marketing Mistake Everyone Makes

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Janelle Reichman, web designer in Ann Arbor Michigan

Janelle is a blogger, web designer, WordPress queen, dog mama, singer-songwriter, guitarist, Michigander, and lover of life. Read her story...

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