

unicorn piggy bank with coins

Investing in a New Website? Don’t Skimp on These 3 Things

Working with a pro website designer/developer on your site is an investment, I get it. But if you’re going to make that investment, here are three things you definitely don’t want to skimp out on. Without these, your website simply won’t be the same!

talk bubbles with a city

5 Ways to Get More Referrals

If you get most of your new customers from referrals (introductions from past clients) you are not alone! If this is the case for you, here are five things you can do to maximize referrals in your business.

woman waiting at a table being ghosted

Ghosting: Can We Stop Once And For All?

While at times ghosting a person can admittedly feel like the path of least resistance, the truth is, it leaves a mess in its wake for both parties involved.

people walking at street art fair

Mom’s Guide to Knowing When to Take Something Home

How can you tell when it’s time to invite something into your life and take it home with you? Here’s what Mom has to say, and as we all know, moms know best.

pencil writing sorry

Don’t Say “Sorry”

It’s important to say “sorry” when you truly want to apologize to someone for something you did. But for goodness sake, let’s stop saying it so many *other* times too.

dog at a computer wearing glasses

3 Websites I *LOVE* and Why

As a professional web designer, it’s pretty rare that I stumble upon a website in my own personal life that I LOVE. But it does happen and when it does, I’m positively delighted. Here are three that did the trick, and what YOU can take away from each.

a woman resting in a chair on the beach reading a book

The Business Owner’s Guide to Summer Vacation: 8 Essential Tips

When you’re a business owner, taking a vacation can require a bit more … finesse and planning 🙂 Below are 8 tips for making the most of your vacation so you can rest up and also return to work feeling calm, collected, and most of all, on top of things.

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A Little Website Refresh Can Go a Looooong Way

If your shiny new website is now a few years old, don’t forget that a little TLC from your web designer can go a long, long way 🙂

man repairing a car

When You Learn What *Not* To Do

Sometimes we learn how to be amazing service providers from having amazing models, and then, sometimes, we learn how to be great from seeing what NOT to do.

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