You’re Better Than You Know, Smarter Than You Think
A surprise in daily life shows us that we’re far better than we know.
Don’t Let This Happen to You: A Spammer Story
You think it can’t or won’t happen to you – until it does. How can we put practices in place to protect ourselves in the future?
A Small Example of How We Create Our Reality
Reflecting on how vastly differently I experienced the same thing now from four years ago, it occurs to me that the world around me hasn’t changed – it’s me who has changed.
Make Them Say “YES!”
How do you allow your website visitors to have the experience of thinking to themselves as they browse your website: “YES, this is the person I need!”
How to Get Good at Anything
How a tiny part of my daily routine taught me a big lesson about getting better at the things we’re not so good at.
When the Need for Fear Is an Illusion
Have you ever felt cripplingly nervous about something only to realize that in reality there was no reason to feel that way?
3 Qualities of a Great Slogan / Tagline
What can a great slogan do for your business? A lot of things – if it’s the right one.
Don’t Let the Moment Pass You By
When you have a feeling that you need to do something in the moment, you’d better heed that call.
10 Fixes for an Inexplicably Sad Day
Here are 10 ideas for turning that frown upside down when you wake up feeling blue.